Healthy and athletic, an upper respiratory infection made me susceptible to H-Flu. I took Nyquil for symptoms and woke up with tingling in my fingers, one potential side-effect of Nyquil. As the day went on the numbness/tingling was in my feet and progressed up my legs and arms. Within a day of the tingling in my fingers, I went to the ED at the end of September 2019 and was quickly admitted to Neuro-wing when I couldn't maintain balance. I was completely paralyzed and unable to breathe on my own the following day. My blood platelets were too low for spinal puncture, but treatment began as if I had GBS with IVIG and steroids for the URI, then five PLEX treatments. Neuro conduction study indicated AMSAN. After 3 weeks in the Neuro ICU I was taken off the ventilator and given a Passy-Muir valve so I could speak again. I was admitted to the rehabilitation hospital and spent 3 weeks there before insurance determined I had made enough progress and sent me home about a week earlier than anticipated. I had two weeks of OT and PT. I had surgery to correct my tracheostoma and speech therapy for six weeks ending in March just as COVID-19 was escalating in the US. I am trying to get back to work, which is complicated now by the pandemic, never mind the red tape that ostensibly follows short-term disability. I have recovered well and quickly, but symptoms of tingling persist from my neck down and fatigue is unpredictable at times.
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