
Your Replies

  • June 18, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    I have to respond to this. I am a GBS/CIDP patient from a small town in Mississippi. I have constant pain in my legs. I first became ill in June 2013 so I am right at 2 years into this. I still take IvIGG every month, Lyrica for the shooting nerve pain and Norco for the pain. The Norco was at first given 4 times per day which did it’s duty and kept me out of severe pain. I was in a nursing home for a year and 1/2 relearning how to walk and use my arms again. When I was released my GP had to reduce my norco to 2 times a day because of Federal Drug stuff. This is not sufficient. I overtake it (3 times a day seems to work okay) so the last week or so of every month I have none so I take the heck out of IBU which doesn’t really help it. Last month, I had to take a urine drug test for the feds…I am worried that this month my Dr might not even write the script for me at all. My neurologist refuses to write any sort of pain meds and the pain clinics within 100 miles of me refuse to accept me because one I have medicaid and two they don’t know what to do with me. I have no adverse reactions from doing without this med for the last week or week 1/2 of every month. My in home nurse attests to that. Any info from anyone that might be able to help me? Seems my meds are pretty mild compared to what some of you are taking…