
Your Replies

  • December 30, 2017 at 11:28 am

    I had it very bad in my back when I was in decline and then again when I started to improve, also had severe restlessness, could not sleep or get comfortable, too hot too cold, crazy.

    December 30, 2017 at 11:18 am

    I too was amazed at how hard it was to be diagnosed. The first emergency room I went too, gave me a shot for pain, it only lasted a few minutes. A doctor came in later in the evening and told me all the tests they did came back fine and he was releasing me. I got full blown angry, I still felt like I was dying. The very next day I was in another emergency room, different hospital. My wife tells me now, that my BP was like 200 over 140, couldn’t really tell you because I can only remember bits and pieces. I was transferred by ambulance to another emergency room in another city. By that time I had lost my speech my hands and fingers, my back muscles, could not swallow or close my eyes. Finally got the treatment I needed at hospital #3. I can understand your frustration. Unfortunately here in the States, the insurance companies pretty much play the music the doctors have to dance to. A spinal tap is part of the diagnosis the insurance company will except for treatment. Does this make a little more sense?

    December 30, 2017 at 10:49 am

    Hi, I got GBS about 15 yrs ago. I think its a shame if your insurance company is holding this up. From what I understand the sooner they start it less damage occurs, quicker rehab fewer lingering effects. I think, in my case, it may have started with a sinus infection I was battling, was also under tremendous stress. I got the burning numb feeling in my toes of one foot, then the other, then it started up my legs. The pain in my back got so severe, I was crying in the shower. Morphine shots would only last a few minutes. I went to 3 hospitals in 2 days trying to get relief, by the time I made it to the 3rd, I could no longer speak, my eyes would not close, could not swallow, my tongue did not work, could not use my hands, my posture was nothing but a slouch. I could still walk, in a Frankensteinish way. They did tests and started me on IVIG. The IVIG in itself is kind of a risk. You have to be closely monitored the first time you get it. Things started turning the corner after that. Never quite made it back to 100%. My eyes water, especially when I eat. The right side of my face will droop and my speech is a little slurred when I get too tired. Can no longer whistle or smile. Hang in there, it mostly takes time to recover. I was back doing service work in about 4 months.