
Your Replies

  • June 23, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    Very frusturated symptoms getting worse.. fingertips are red now fingers till move on own while sitting.. Doc i saw other day wants more bloodwork thru the doc that i saw before him.I call today he wants to see me before the blood work smh..next appt july 5th.. idk maybe its time to see another doc i cant be waiting that long unfortunately it takes that long to make apptmt.These docs just dint care see me in few weeks but by that time these symptoms will be worse…They close to answers its frusturatting..This last neuro said if blood work normal spinal tap..Any suggestions advice to get thru this?

    June 22, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Middle of march..Started by the creepy crawlies in my bed i though something was in it it was me.My nerves. So followed up with doc and neuro I’m now on 4th neuro.. this next blood test spinal tap i think will be key

    June 22, 2017 at 10:23 am

    hi it started in feet went to legs now its in hands. yes pain throughot body. emergency room will do nothing i just have to get blood work done.I have the tingling th numbness.Yet i grabbed ice cubes with hand after 45 mins my hand was burning..my nerves are shot

    June 22, 2017 at 9:27 am

    ok as i get up today my fingers the tips are red there are lines almost look like scratches going up each finger.I also have a pain in right ankle .My fingers shaking more when i sit still.Has anyone gone through this?I need to get this next rd of blood work done I’m calling doctor asap.It seems its getting worse.

    June 21, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    sooooo i new have a great new symptom i grabbed ice from freezer could hardly feel it cause was so cold and my hand been burning since..i woke up this morning with lines from each finger going to top of finger tip and fingers are all red..Ive been dealing with since middle of march..Four neurologists later and nerve tests on last one said i have demylineating polyneuropathy.. but mild well since the last few days this is getting worse..Last euro said lets do some more blood and if normal spinal tap..I have nerve pain from toes to legs and now in fingers.. my knee the other day i couldn’t feel or put no weight on it to get up..on top of this I’ve had breathing issues also now a bad cough dry for the last month..I just know this looks like cidp i been reading about it and i have so many symptoms

    June 21, 2017 at 5:29 pm

    no i didn’t jimit was different doc and these apps very hard to come by he didn’t have one till july. i couldn’t wait that long. So i went to a professor at montefiore.Hes the one who wants more blood work done.Do u think i have cidp jim?And if so does it seem i have a lot of damage that cant reverse.What was your story btw jim as I’m talking the gabapentin just kicked in ouuuuuuuchhh..

    June 21, 2017 at 10:34 am

    Hi guys sooo fourth nerve test.. says i have sum weakness and abnormal numbers. My fingers while sitting still move now.Im on gabapebtin 400 mg dnt seem to be working esp at night. The other night for three hrs cinstant pain wehere i couldnt get up.This doc wants to test for other blood work at this point i feel like im a guinea pig.If blood comes back normal spinal tap.Im feeling weakness in hands just holding phone and my fingers also have like what looks like scratch lines goin down them.i cqn barely walk walk with a cane and still habe this cough for a over a minth i see pulmonologist tomm.Also saw cardiologist yest it seems this all systematic but im not sure.Its stressful i just want answers. It said at end of nedve test before mild demlyineating neauropathy this doc said its not as bad as it sounds. I can feel my body is just getting worse##

    June 16, 2017 at 10:23 am

    hi guys.. so i don’t know i have cidp but ihave many symptoms took third nerve test.. most things normal but at end it says mild demylineating polyneuropathy..Last night was the worst pain ever i both of my legs burning in both of my legs just around both knee caps non stop for hrs.This started month ago in feet.Before id be like oh i got a pain in ankle or knee a here and there now its worse!!Im taking gabapentin.On top of this i have been having breathing issues in hospital 3 times the last month cat scan shows ground glass non specific..i had pulmonologist appt a 2nd opinion for this cough that won’t go away but i could hardly move this morn i had to cancel.I notice when i eat I’m having problems swallowing a bit.Is this part of cidp.I have to go to a 4 th neurologist soon trying to go sooner than later.I can barely walk and also my heart is reduced.A;lot of stuff going on i know can anyone relate.Im prob going to have to do a spinal tap the nerve pain is now leading to my hands and my feet starting to look like frankenstein.It seems its getting worse and worse.Its frusturating out of work my parents think I’m nuts..Anyone relate help this concerned and worried
    from ny

    May 29, 2017 at 11:19 pm

    astoria queens ny.. thank u.. does it sound like i have it i have a lot of the symptoms imv very worried

    May 29, 2017 at 9:14 pm

    hi I’m new here.. to sure if I’m even a GBS example.. But for last two months nerve pain both sides of my body esp at night i walk with a gait to left..Neuro said i have polyneuropathy but never said what it was from.. i been sober 9 years he said it was from the alcohol.. tho i asked another doc and they said no thats a wrong diagnosis..The last week was admitted twice to host for breathing problems.. they took cat scan glass on lungs they say its pertussis .. the nerve pain is spreading through out my body just curious do i have gbs? i know I’m probably gonna have to get a spinal tap i mentioned that in hosp and said i don’t need one.. i don’t even know what doc to go to now..on top of this back problems can hardly walk and my heart is reduced cause of the breathing problems.. help!!