
Your Replies

  • September 27, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Marlon, I am 32 and was diagnosed with CIDP at 27, I first started looking for a diagnosis at age 16 but it is likely my symptoms were present since age 8 or so. I have bilateral arm weakness, neck weakness, and my left quadricep is terribly atrophied. I responded some to IVIG and was feeling a much better sense of overall wellness until a couple months ago when my insurance company made me cut back my treatments. My physicians don’t think I will ever see a “full recovery” because I have had nerve damage for sooo long before getting treated. I also have terrible muscle pain in my neck and shoulders- I use flexeril when it gets really bad but I have learned to identify an oncoming “attack” early and I have found that hot packs (I mean almost burning) help alot. My muscle pain is set off by the cold so you will usually see me in a scarf or hoodie- no cool breezes for me!!