
Your Replies

  • March 19, 2018 at 12:06 pm

    Hello, thank you for the responses. An update here for you. I had my NCV test and EMG done on my left side (hand and left leg). This is the second NCV test done. The first was done on my left leg, right leg and right hand. The NCV test done this time around was a lot different. They had me soak my hands and feet in a warm bath which my first neuro didn’t do. When I asked the technician about this, she said it is BY THE BOOK and the only way it should ever be done because if your limbs are cold, sometimes it will cause your nerves conduction tests to give false information.

    So the NCV test on the left side this go round was within range. Nothing fancy to report. Perfectly normal according to the doctor. The EMG portion on the left side was totally normal as well according to the doctor. I asked her is there anything else this could be because for two months now I have felt like total crap. Strange sensations, fatigue, major joint stiffness in hands and knees, unexplained groin pain, etc…

    She said from a pathology standpoint there was nothing more she could do. She obviously did not see a reason to do a spinal tap because nothing alarming came up on the NCV/EMG or during her evaluation.

    I don’t know what more to do. As I sit here and type this, my hands feel like they are on fire yet “pathologically there is no story to tell.” At the initial visit, she had talked about small fiber neuropathy but that wasn’t discussed at the second visit.

    I am so tired of feeling so terrible. This AM someone shook my hand and it felt like they were crushing my bones. Yet again, I’ve had an ANA panel done (although it was very early in the symptom phase) and I’ve had my sed rate checked and C reactive. Again, so confusing there because One week my C reactive was 2.0 and the sed rate was 22 and then the next week I had it done at the neuro’s office and my C reactive was .2 and my sed rate was 2.0. How my inflammation could be that different in five days time is beyond me.

    The main symptoms I am currently feeling aside from the sensations is bilateral pain in both hands.

    Again – the only thing, and I mean the ONLY thing that has helped me is the steroids. When I told the neuro this, she said, “of course, they make everyone feel better.”


    I’d guess if I wasn’t having pain before I was on them, they wouldn’t have really done anything for me. I don’t know why I cannot get any of these neuros to consider that if the steroid helped TREMENDOUSLY, there has to be something going on in my body.


    March 15, 2018 at 9:15 am

    No MRI with contrast was done. Only without. I only had the brain and cervical done and the only thing that came up was degeneration on C4-6 (minor stenosis). My new neuro did suggest a skin biopsy to rule out SFN (small fiber neuropathy). She is only performing the EMG/NCV test on my left leg and left arm. I plan on telling her that my symptoms have increased since our last visit (roughly 8 days ago). I was not aware that this site has a Centers of Excellence for specific doctors who focus on this condition but I will most certainly check that out. I am with a neuromuscular neurologist at Emory named Vita Kesner. She did do a very thorough evaluation. My next test is tomorrow, 3/16. None of the doctors have suggested a spinal tap yet but that is another question I will have for her. I am certainly willing to pay for it. Considering this has been going on for two months now and doesn’t seem to be easing up, I certainly feel like something is going on.

    Much like you just said, the fact that I responded beautifully to the steroids is another reason why I cannot help but think/wonder that there is some type of serious inflammatory condition going on. But I guess I am stumping my doctors because they equate autoimmune to high sed rates and high C reactive numbers and mine have been in normal range. I even had an ANA done (albeit only about 14 days after symptoms’ started). Any additional advice/insight you have would be greatly appreciated. I would certainly say, I’d love to be on the steroid right now but I think doctors tend to think they are too dangerous but my quality of life is diminishing exponentially

    I should probably add that when the initial neuro eval was done, I kept trying to tell them, I do not feel like I am numb. This is not pins and needles (although as of recently I am feeling some of this and some weird burning sensations in my hands…this has literally developed in the last week). She kept poking me with a little stick to see if I felt things the same all on my legs, arms hands and feet. I could feel everything relatively well but the “sensations” which feel like buzzing/crawling/low current of electricity running through me were still going on. These sensations do not affect my ability to not feel things.

    I basically feel like these neurologists have no idea what I am talking about but it’s funny because I have read so many places people describing exactly what I am feeling. Also, I should add that the sensations were localized to a “stocking and glove” distribution but I am now feeling them move upwards so into my thighs and now upper arms. It’s a slow progression but I feel it happening

    March 14, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    Thanks for your feedback. Yes, I am somewhat skeptical of integrative doctors as well. Although, they did seem to be the right fit for my step mom who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The only bit of information they told me that was interesting is that I had high levels of Tin in my red blood cells. That did come up on the lab work but then they wanted me to do more testing which is just more $$$ that I don’t have when I am actually trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me. I’m 37 BTW and it just feels really odd to be struck down with neuropathy at such a young age. And considering it’s more than just some pins and needles, I keep wondering if this is autoimmune. My ANA was done right when I first had the symptoms but it came back negative. My sed rate was on the high end of normal but other than that my blood work is fine. I just can’t figure out what’s going on with me. Weird sensations, symmetrical joint pain, muscle fatigue. I’m not at the point where I am dropping things or cannot walk but I certainly don’t feel like the strong 37 year old I was back in December. I think I may ask the neurologist to schedule a small fiber neuropathy test as well. I also have an appointment with an esteemed Rheumatologist. Just trying to make my rounds to figure out what’s going on. What has me really stumped though is that the steroids they gave me for a few days was like a miracle drug and I felt like my old self again so there’s got to be some type of inflammatory response going on inside of me….