Well well Cheryl has Won the Montly Football Pool

    • Anonymous
      November 24, 2008 at 6:48 pm

      Congratulations Cheryl! You were the weekly and monthly winner on the Football Pool! Way to go!!!! 😀 Hmmm! Since we are all broke this week, I think I will have you all over for Thanksgiving Dinner!
      Then on Sunday I thought we could all go see that new movie out with that Vampire and it’s supposed to be a romance too. Darn! I can’t remember the name of that movie. But it’s really getting some good reviews. Been talking about that movie all day today and as soon as I get in here, I get a brain fart! LOL!
      Happy Thanks-giving!
      Ohh! I posted two weeks of games instead of 4 because of this week being a holiday week.
      Dick S! Just to remind you that this Thursday we have three games playing! Good luck! Hugs
      Linda H