Treasa Ann
AnonymousJuly 11, 2006 at 2:16 pm
I’ve been gone from the forums for a week or so, we have had flooding and tornados every few days around here. We are fine, growing mold on ourselves, but fine. A few friends have had medium to heavy damage and my time has been spent with them. So her is my ?
Has anyone heard from Treasa Ann? or have I missed it?
AnonymousJuly 13, 2006 at 11:07 am
Hi Kass,
I miss Teresa too. She’s the sweetest woman I have known from Ireland.
This past Christmas she sent Frank and I Christmas gifts. Frank’s was Bailey’s Irish Cream candy that he never got a chance to eat because they came on Christmas Eve. She’s a darling friend. She has sent us gifts over the years, because she knew that Frank liked to get things of his heritage and I just love her and adore her for being there for me at my time of grief.I too hope a man is keeping her busy, my wish is that she finds great love and happiness for herself and Sarah. She deserves it.
I sent off an e-mail to her yesterday, hope she answers it. Maybe I’ll just call her if she doesn’t answer my mail.
AnonymousJuly 15, 2006 at 11:49 am
Dear Friends:
Teresa Anne has a strong sense of independence. This leads her to leave the forums every now and again, but she always finds her way back. This independence is what I really admire in Teresa Anne. She speaks her mind freely which makes her interesting, fun, and unpretentious. If I had her e-mail address, I would check and see if she is alright, but I wonder if that would be pushing her into feeling obligated to post every week or so. I hope it is enough that she knows we care about her and are concerned for her well being. I think that may be the best that we can do for her.
AnonymousJuly 15, 2006 at 2:01 pm
I thought I read on the UK Forum from Allaug that she had a man in her life.
[COLOR=”DarkRed”]Quote “Yeah, Carol, I miss her an awful lot too! I saw her peeking in here to take a look at what was going on, and I immediately called out for her – but she didn’t reply!I think I know where she is, though, I think she’s still in Ireland, but also in Love !
Do I need to say more?
That is the reply from the UK board from AllaugSue
AnonymousJuly 15, 2006 at 3:25 pm
I e-mailed TA a few days ago asking how she’s doing. My dear friend TA has a habit of not checking her mail. I like Lee love Teresa’s spunk and spirit when posting here. She speaks her mind and that is what makes her so great.
She’ll be back, she won’t leave us. I’m sure she is having a grand old time right now.
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