teens and rituxin

    • Anonymous
      July 23, 2008 at 5:09 pm

      are their any teens trying rituxin?

    • Anonymous
      July 28, 2008 at 3:46 pm

      From my memory of talk with top neurologist, Rituxin can affect a person’s ability to have children. It is used for adults over child-bearing and child-desiring ages. Check that factor out with your neuro.

      Our son, with CIDP, is now 19. Onset was at age 12.

      We have tried many different options: ivig, pp, Cell-cept, Avonax.

      Of all, plasmapheresis enabled him to get out of wheelchair when he was 12 and back to walking independently. Avonax helped to restore some tingling in otherwise numb feet/legs when he used it for one year at age 17.
      He is now only taking prednisone (since age 12) and is now steadily decreasing that in attempts to eliminate it.

      Hope this information helps a bit.
