Stacey and Hubby need our prayers

    • Anonymous
      January 30, 2010 at 11:57 pm

      Hi guys,
      Stacey Zimmerman hasn’t been able to be on lately due to her husband being in the hospital. He is in very serious condition and she requested someone post on here and ask for prayer. He was diagnosed with a staph infection in the bone around his knee, as of today he has had 4 surgeries and is still in bad shape. He is hallucinating and his pain is out of control. He is on IV antibiotics as well as pain medicine but so far she isn’t seeing much improvements. His temperature continues to go up and down and he is extremely sick. Stacey is overwhelmed and exhausted and definitely could use the support and prayers of all of her friends.

      Please ask god to touch both of them and heal them as we know he is able to.

      thanks for caring.


    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 12:48 am

      [QUOTE=Stormy]Hi guys,
      Stacey Zimmerman hasn’t been able to be on lately due to her husband being in the hospital. He is in very serious condition and she requested someone post on here and ask for prayer. He was diagnosed with a staph infection in the bone around his knee, as of today he has had 4 surgeries and is still in bad shape. He is hallucinating and his pain is out of control. He is on IV antibiotics as well as pain medicine but so far she isn’t seeing much improvements. His temperature continues to go up and down and he is extremely sick. Stacey is overwhelmed and exhausted and definitely could use the support and prayers of all of her friends.

      Please ask god to touch both of them and heal them as we know he is able to.

      thanks for caring.


      Thank you for the post, so sorry to hear such awful news…..many warm thoughts/wishes and blessings coming your way. May you both find peace during this difficult time.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 3:03 am

      Definitely praying.


    • January 31, 2010 at 4:00 am

      Healing prayers and lots of blessings for their peace and comfort are on the way!

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 8:55 am

      [QUOTE=Stormy]Hi guys,
      Stacey Zimmerman hasn’t been able to be on lately due to her husband being in the hospital. He is in very serious condition and she requested someone post on here and ask for prayer. He was diagnosed with a staph infection in the bone around his knee, as of today he has had 4 surgeries and is still in bad shape. He is hallucinating and his pain is out of control. He is on IV antibiotics as well as pain medicine but so far she isn’t seeing much improvements. His temperature continues to go up and down and he is extremely sick. Stacey is overwhelmed and exhausted and definitely could use the support and prayers of all of her friends.

      Please ask god to touch both of them and heal them as we know he is able to.

      thanks for caring.

      Bad news stormy.

      We are all with them in our prayers. Lets hope for a recovery


    • January 31, 2010 at 9:45 am

      Stacey, I’ve had a staff infection in my elbow before and know what your hubby is fighting. I pray God will take the infection away and heal your hubby. I also pray for wisdom for the docs, peace and encouragement for you and Connor as well. Your forum family misses you here …


    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 11:35 am

      [QUOTE=GaryO Houston]I pray God will take the infection away and heal your hubby. I also pray for wisdom for the docs, peace and encouragement for you and Connor as well. Your forum family misses you here …

      [I][COLOR=”Navy”]I can only echo what Gary has written. Nothing I could write could say it any better. Much love to the entire family.[/COLOR][/I]

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 12:15 pm

      Stacey’s husband has been in my prayers, as well as Stacey herself because we know what this is doing to her. I wish it was possible for some of us to be there with her so she has friends to lean on. Stacey, just close your eyes, breath deep, rest and feel the hugs we send you.
      Here is a prayer candle burning.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 5:57 pm

      I would also like to add that I will pray for them as well that God heal him from this bad illness and take away the pain. The latter today–right now–and the former as soon as possible. There are so many ways to help with pain that are not used enough. It is so hard to bear up when one is in terrible pain. My heart goes out to all of them.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 6:43 pm

      My heart goes out to Stacey & her family, I have followed her posts closely & she needs all of our prayers. Pray not only for her husband, but also for her, as we all know what stress does to people with CIDP. I know I certainly will…

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 2010 at 9:19 pm

      A heap of hope and a bit of extra strength being sent thru the internet ‘ethers’ from me to you.
      Keep bugging the docs w/all the intelligent questions I know that YOU can ask and conserve your energy for the BIG stuff – such as giving hugs to your husband! Try and declutter your brain of all the what if’s and only’s as it’s premature rite now [Even tho I suspect you WILL STILL worry?] Find silly ways to give yourself simple treats in-between all the chaos, such as a ‘dove bite’ or any other treat you wouldn’t normally allow yourself? Find time now to sneak in a really good haircut [the massage that comes w/a shampoo is worth it?] and go from there.
      Hope and hugs and I wish I could be there to deliver them both personally!