
    • Anonymous
      May 22, 2006 at 7:33 pm

      I was diagnosed with GBS in the early part of September 2005. I was on a vent and completely paralyzed. I have pretty much recouperated except for numbness/tingling in my feet and my legs aren’t as strong as they used to be. I had a 6 month old when I got sick. My husband and I are thinking about having another but I’m scared about the GBS. Does anyone have experiences to share?

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 8:52 am

      Dear Christine,

      My first child was born in 1992, 6 years (not 7 as in a previous post) after my bout with GBS. I too was totally paralyzed and had a trach. I seemed to be absolutely fine during that time, and during my pregnancy 10 years later. I started a thread which you may find interesting.
      (Link deleted by administration)
      Please realize that this thread was started more from an interest point of view, to gather some information. In previous threads, on the ‘old’ forum that has dissapeared, many many women posted saying that they had perfectly normal pregnancies, and their babies were just fine.

      I’m not sure if you were meaning that you wanted to fall pregnant soon, or maybe wait a little longer. It has only been 8 months since you got GBS, maybe you should wait a little longer, just so that your body is stronger, to fall pregnant. I’m not telling you what to do, but maybe you will be able to cope a little better once your body has been able to rest for a longer time. Also, if you have faith in your doc, discuss this with hin/her. Hope you continue to improve! All the best.

    • Anonymous
      May 25, 2006 at 1:07 am

      Hi Christine,

      Wow! Considering you were fighting for your life just 8 months ago, and the fact that your child is under 2… yep, I have some experience to share!

      My daughter was 1 years old when we decided to have our second child. We thought it would be best to have them close in age. Sounds like a good idea if you are in your early 20s with lots of energy and no physical limitations. I was 29, 12 years post GBS, with about 85% recovery. In those 12 years, I compensated for any axonal damage I have and was as strong as I would most likely get. Don’t get me wrong, my balance and strength are great, but I wear AFOs for foot drop.

      I soon realized how difficult it is to have children so close in age. They are 19 months apart. My daughter almost immediately resented her baby brother and I have had to referee her since he was born. Personally, from my experience, I would have been much better off to have waited until my first was at least 3. I love them both equally and don’t ‘regret’ anything… I just would have waited longer if I could do it all over again. It would have been so much easier.

      Here are a few reasons, that I really hope you consider!

      – Feedings: You’re busy with newborn and first born may take advantage of that and get into things (they are so clever).

      – Resentment: Your first born doesn’t receive all the attention any more and may act out as a result. Remember she or he is still your baby and still needs your full attention.

      – Naps: It’s so wonderful when baby is newborn and has 2-3 naps daily so you can get stuff done, take a shower, make a phone call, nap yourself! What about the first born who is down to 1 nap or doesn’t nap anymore? If baby keeps you up at night, how functional, fun, and attentive will you be with first born? It’s a total drag to stay home because Mommy’s tired.

      – Setbacks: Your first born sees you changing diapers and may decide to stay in diapers longer or go back to diapers out of jealousy. First born may also revert in other ways like wanting a bottle, soother, or whatever baby gets.

      – Financials: Expenses for 2 preschoolers can be high. Returning to work is difficult unless you can make good enough money to cover double the daycare.

      – Double trouble: Once they’re both walking around their curiosity and creativity can cost you unless you’ve got eyes in the back of your head! If you’re fortunate enough to inherit children like mine, you’ll also feel ganged up on from time to time… since I can’t chase my kids. They taunt me at times knowing full well that Mommy can’t run around the table, the couch, down the stairs, up the stairs, … you get the picture I hope!

      I know these sound negative, but they are true and of course there are blessings in the mix as well, but when it comes down to it… I really hope you consider what you’ll be doing to yourself (and your first born). Sometimes I look at my daughter and feel so bad that I (unintentionally) rushed her to grow up. I should have given her my full attention and enjoyed her toddlerhood… instead of trying to balance my attention and energy, and inevitably pushing her aside.

      If I had waited until she was at least 3, she probably would have been more interested in helping me than competing with her new sibling.

      I’m long winded, I know, but please give it alot of thought.

    • Anonymous
      May 25, 2006 at 10:41 am

      I just read the following and thought it should be included in this thread since you were treated for GBS only 8 months ago. Doctors use so many different medications, so this could be helpful to anyone contemplating pregnancy in the recovery period.

      (Link deleted by administration)

      [B]Medicines: how they impact fertility, pregnancy and nursing[/B]

      Every medicine crosses over from the mother to the baby in some amount, large or small. You need to be especially careful what you take in the first three months of your pregnancy (first trimester), a time when the baby’s vital organs are forming.

      Tell your doctor what medicines you are taking now, in what amounts, and for what reasons. Together, you can decide the possible risks you and your baby face if you decide to get pregnant.

      Steroid medicines, like prednisone, are generally safe during the entire nine months of pregnancy but have been linked to premature delivery, or delivery more than a few weeks before the baby’s due date. Therefore, doctors typically prescribe the lowest dose possible in an effort to prevent or reduce complications. Many doctors will cut back the dosage of your medicines or have you stop taking certain medicines altogether, especially during the first trimester, including cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) and methotrexate.

      All medicines taken by the mother, including Tylenol and other over-the-counter medicines, can be found in some amount in the mother’s breast milk. Some medicines are not harmful to the baby, but others are not recommended when nursing. Babies take longer than adults do to get rid of the medicines they take in, so even small amounts of certain medicines can greatly affect babies. See the table below for more on specific medicines.

      As always, talk to your own doctor about any possible problems and what amount of any medication you should take while pregnant or nursing. Decide if you have a greater risk for problems during pregnancy or childbirth, and make your decision carefully and with as much information as possible.

      [B]General information on specific medicines: [/B]
      [B]Plaquenil [/B](hydroxychloroquine) is found in small amounts in breast milk, and the baby takes in about 2% of the amount taken by the mother. Doctors recommend using Plaquenil with caution when breast feeding your baby. There is no evidence of risk to the fetus during pregnancy.

      [B]Prednisone and other corticosteroids[/B], especially when the mother takes it in amounts of 20 mg or less each day, are not harmful to the baby, as babies are not affected by the active form of the medicine. Doctors suggest taking the lowest dose possible, both while pregnant and nursing.

      [B]Imuran (azathioprine)[/B] may be safe for the baby, but there is not enough research on this medicine to be sure. You should avoid or limit the use of Imuran during pregnancy; therefore, Imuran is typically used only when a patient has severe disease. It is not recommended in any amount while breast feeding.

      [B]Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) and cyclosporine [/B]are harmful to the baby. Avoid these medicines while pregnant and nursing, and doctors suggest not taking these medicines for three months or more prior to trying to become pregnant.

      [B]Methotrexate[/B], during the pregnancy, may cause some birth defects or even miscarriage. When taking methotrexate, you should be off the medicine completely for three months or more before trying to get pregnant and stay off during pregnancy and nursing.

      This information was provided in part by the following:
      Dr. Ann Reed, Chair and Professor, Pediatric Rheumatology, Mayo Clinic Rochester;
      Dr. Chester Oddis, Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology;
      Dr. Richard Sontheimer, John S. Strauss Professor and Head of Dermatology, University of Iowa College of Medicine;
      Dr. Michael Graves, MDA/ALS Center at the University of California – Los Angeles

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2006 at 4:18 am

      [QUOTE=Christine1125]I was diagnosed with GBS in the early part of September 2005. I was on a vent and completely paralyzed. I have pretty much recouperated except for numbness/tingling in my feet and my legs aren’t as strong as they used to be. I had a 6 month old when I got sick. My husband and I are thinking about having another but I’m scared about the GBS. Does anyone have experiences to share?[/QUOTE]
      I was diagnosed with GBS 12th of January 2005. I wasn´t paralysed totally but my whole body was numbed and I lost my balance. Thank God it was just for a couple of month. I was back on my job 14th of March and what I didn´t now was that I just had got pregnant again. My Third son was born 24th of November last year. The only thing I was concerned about was if I had the strenghed to last the entyre delivery. But he was deliverd by cesarian, because of the fact that he was heavy for the time and they tried to start the delivery with medication but with no luck. so what I Want to say to you Christine is Good luck with your next pregnancy and I know it is possible.

    • Anonymous
      June 18, 2006 at 8:18 pm

      Hi – I just want to let you all know that I am no longer on any medication (haven’t been since middle of February). I’m waiting for my one year from the onset appointment to discuss pregnancy with my doctor. Thank-you for your replies.:D

    • Anonymous
      July 7, 2006 at 2:37 am

      I am new to this forum, in fact I was very surprised when my wife told me that she had found a forum for people like me who have had GBS. I was diagnosed when I was 14 yrs old I just celebrated my 17yr anniversory of having had GBS, like you I was totally paralized from the neck down and was also on a vent. Anyway I justed wanted to tell you that the GBS is not passed on at all to any children you will have or have had. I do not know if this helps but I just wanted to let you know what I remembered from all the things the DRs told me and all I read way back then when I was lying in my hospital bed.

    • Anonymous
      July 17, 2006 at 1:58 pm


      I am happy to see other people who went thru the same experiences as I did. I was diagnosed January 2003 while 5 months pregnant. I went thru the whole paralysis and didn’t start to get better until my daughter was born. I would say I am all recovered minus the foot drop. I have my strength and balance but there have been a few times where I have lost my balance and fallen down breaking a foor here and there. Once I even went blank and tried to hop on one foot and (since I do remember how to!) but that turned into a broken foot. When my daughter turned two, my husband and I figured that I was probably at mys strongest with my foot drop and we went ahead and got pregnant. I am now the mother of a second beautiful daughter which I delivered c-section in March 2006. My first daughter is now 3 and I think it was the best time to have my second one. My advice to you thinking about having another one would be to wait. Your body gives up so much for the baby when you are pregnant that I think it will hinder your recovery. I didn’t even start recovering until after I gave birth. I think it’s just in your best interest to continue recovering. Good Luck in whatever you decide. Babies are so precious!

    • Anonymous
      July 31, 2006 at 4:24 pm

      There are studies out there on the NIH indicating pregancy is sometimes the trigger for some patients, though I’ve never seen an explanation of how this happens. I had GBS before pregancies and no problems, except for muscle weakness in my back with the first one, 18-months post illness. This first child is not neurologically strong, though whether this is related to my GBS antibody situation or other factors, we will probably never conclusively know. She was healthy at birth but developed encephalitis at 16 and then stroked during one pregnancy and other complications with the other. My other two offspring are healthy, and followed almost 4 years, and then 9 more years later.

    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2006 at 2:27 pm

      I had GBS while I was pregnant 8 years ago and both the baby and I are totally fine now. I had a great high risk OB who was very familiar with GBS at the time. We knew that our second child would be our last so I was never planning on having another one. However, he advised me that if we should change our minds to go for it. He didn’t believe another pregnancy would put me at any greater risk than any one else would have.

      I do know a girl who gave birth to twins several years after GBS and had no problems at all. She & her kids are happy and healthy today.

      If you do get pregnant, I would just look for an OB who knows about GBS and is very familiar with it. A lot of doctors have no idea what it is and can’t really offer any advise, much less know what to look for. Also, see the post about epidurals. I had one no problem. Just get an anesthesiologist who knows GBS and any additional risks it may present.

      Good luck ! Diana

    • Anonymous
      September 14, 2006 at 9:46 am

      Hi Christine,
      I had two girls after my GBS, the best I ever felt was during those pregnancies. If I could afford more kids, I would have stayed pregnant. Both my girls are healthy and happy at ages 8 & 6. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Take Care.

    • Anonymous
      October 20, 2006 at 2:42 pm

      I am a 28yr.old female on my first pregnacy. I am 20years out fron my gbs experience. I am writting due to a post that states that NIH (national institue of health) has shown a relationship between pregnancy and GBS. This is true but rare. The reason behind this is because the baby has its own blood/dna/antibodies/antigens that are separte from mom. Mom’s blood and baby’s blood rarely ever meet. The placenta exchanges o2/nutrition/waste but baby’s blood and mommys are seperate. Occasionally, this placenta/mom
      barrier is breached and fetal cells cross over. These fetal cells are viewed as “not my cells” and can cause an immune response. This is the same reason that women have more autoimmune diseases then men, especially women who have had kids. I hope this helps people out. It is a relatively rare occurence but once you have had GBS, you realized that ‘relatively rare’ dosen’t me your 100% safe. I hope this helps everyone. Thanks for your time. Paula.:)

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 1:13 pm

      My story is old but relavent to the discussion. I had GBS in 1962. It was severe; I had a trach and was in an iron lung, spent 2 months in the hospital. At the time I had a 1 year old, 4 year old and 7 year old. Almost exactly one year from the time of that episode I had another baby and 2 years later another. (Back in those days, no birth control pills!!) The doctors were very concerned when I became pregnant so soon after my GBS, suggesting a therapeutic abortion. That daughter and son are now 43 and 41……great adults!!! I would say go for it but not until you feel strong enough….remember in GBS there are no 2 cases alike. Good Luck!

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:12 am

      My experience dates back to 1973 when I was completely paralyzed and hospitalized for several months, with many more months of paralyzation. Becoming pregnant in the first year after the onset of GBS (though with the blessing of my neurologist) my first born is not neurologically strong. Now grown, she has experienced neurological problems. Did my GBS contribute to this situation? I don’t know and I doubt if we will ever know.

      I would recommend waiting until you have good endurance and strength back. It takes a couple or three years to regain substantial improvement from GBS, at least it did prior to IVIG and plasmapheresis and steroids. I spaced out my children considerably, and depending upon the help you can pay for, or rely upon through extended family, you may want to do similarly.

      This is a personal decision that each of us makes on the information available to us at the time we go through it. Best wishes to you. Keep us posted on your progress!

    • Anonymous
      October 9, 2007 at 8:58 pm

      Hi everyone,
      Thanks for your replies. I just wanted to let everyone know that I had an unevenful pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in May 2007.
      Take care,