Research moving forward!

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2006 at 12:00 am

      I just received my winter issue of “nexus”, a publication from University of New England, Portland/Biddiford, ME.


      The Biomechanics Laboratory on the Westbrook College Campus recently installed a Thermal Imaging Processor (TIP) that will be used by Nancy Quick, PT, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, to quantify changes in blood flow during physical therapy treatment of peripheral nerve injuries.

      Dr. Quick explained, “The CTI thermal imaging system provides an innovative and effective manner of examining physiological changes that occur during the application of various physical therapy techniques used to treat nerve injuries that would otherwise be very difficult to measure. The information gained from this work will provide a framework for enhancing outcomes in the treatment of these disorders and will help guide future reseach in this area.”

      End Quote.

      PS ~ I am the proud mother of my son, Jeremy, who is currently in rotations having studied at the Biddiford campus College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is seriously considering a residency in Neuro/Muscular medicine 🙂

    • Anonymous
      December 17, 2006 at 9:57 pm


      Congradulations on having such a smart son! Wouldn’t it be fantastic if he was able to treat GBS patients? He certainly would have insight from your expericences that not many doctors can match.

      Thanks for the research article. Very interesting.
