reoccuring symptom
AnonymousNovember 17, 2008 at 7:25 pm
I am a little embarrassed but i seem to have another problem with incontinence. I am a gbs survivor onset two years ago. I still have numbness from the chin down but am working and driving. walk with AFOs on both feet and forearm crutches. numbness flaares up with any infection.have had one major relapse after the flu.required hospitalization.permanent nerve damage in my feet after last flare up. does anybody else have similiar problems?Incontinence is getting worse as each day passes going to call my urologist tomorrow.
Amy -
AnonymousNovember 17, 2008 at 11:35 pm
Hi JoJo! I get problems at times with incontinence. UTI’s cause mine! And a weak bladder due to having a neurogenic bladder. They can offer meds that will help this and also there is a surgical procedure that to can help. Tacking up the bladder. Seeing a urologist for this is the best option. Hope this helps! You are not alone! Hate being that way. Mine comes and goes!
Linda H -
AnonymousNovember 22, 2008 at 5:59 am
If you are going often, could be your bladder is not holding enough urine. I was going often, urologist had a test done (don’t remember name of it) that measures the amount of urine the bladder holds. My bladder was only holding 30%. He put me on detrol, it helped but gave me belly bloat.
I just read on detrol and vesicare, both of them do basically the same thing and have almost the same side effects.
Good luck
Shirley -
AnonymousNovember 22, 2008 at 5:30 pm
I just went through the bladder testing myself. It is worth it to know what is going on that you might not be feeling. I have no feeling, neurogenic bladder. There are many possible treatments for bladder problems. I think getting a dx would be the first place to start though. Take care.
AnonymousDecember 2, 2008 at 6:40 pm
still having some trouble. They dont seem to know. started working out at the YMCA. Numbness seems to be particularly aggravating today. Dont know if i am just more aware of it because of the exercising or if it is a flare up just had a intestional bug. Afraid to say anything to my mom because she is sick of me being sick.I guess i will wait it out. I have a doctors appt soon i think.
jojo -
AnonymousDecember 4, 2008 at 6:08 pm
numbness seems to be intensifying as well as being tired. as for the bladder issue still there. just go every couple of hours.dont know if tingling is really getting worse or if my mind is fooling me. getting frustrated.I want to be normal again. just wishful thinking on my part.I am grateful that i can use a cane and drive. guess i over did it today.thanks for letting me vent. my parents are getting tired of “my whining”.amy
AnonymousDecember 5, 2008 at 9:02 am
Hi Jo Jo! One thing I have learned over the years is family and friends not wanting to hear how bad you feel. I don’t know why they are this way but even my mom changes the subject when I mention how bad I am that day.
Husband gets up and walks out of the room and my children end up on the phone making an excuse saying something like they have another call!
I have even had doctors say “Well you look so healthy”
Hate when they say that saying! If only they could crawl in my body and feel my pain!
I don’t even bother telling my family how I feel anymore. I just get quiet around them when I feel bad. And then I come to the forum and let out my steam. So anytime you need to vent about how bad you feel, Come in here and let it out.
Seems like normal people don’t understand what we are going through. But sick folks like me. We know how it feels and understand what you are going through. Hugs! Hope you feel better soon!
Linda H -
AnonymousDecember 9, 2008 at 7:59 pm
:confused: still having to go often but seem to have more control. Numbness still is annoying. working out at the Y a couple times a week. Maybe by working out i am more aware of the numbness. who knows. i guess this is my life now.This sucks. I want to go back to normal.i guess i feel like throwing myself a pity party tonight. Sometimes i get so frustrated. why me. what does this all mean? if there is a life lesson somewhere here i should have gotten it by now. I miss my old life not just pre GBS but pre BIpolar. What happened to my life? I look at my friends and see what seems to be pretty good lives. Husbands, kids and jobs. sometimes i get so depressed with thinking about what could have been and now what is going to be.i dont mean to be a whiner, i said it was going to be a pity party. thanks for letting me vent.
AnonymousDecember 12, 2008 at 4:24 pm
go to neurologist next week. still having to go often and really thirsty all the time. oh well.went to cici pi zza and then got a christmas tree with my sister and my nephews last night. that was fun.but real tired today. have to work tomorrow taking some people bowling tomorroow.guess i will get to rest on su nday(t onight taking my nephews to a christmas party) as always thanks for listening. amy
AnonymousJanuary 3, 2009 at 7:31 pm
still having trouble. Keeping a Chart on how often I go supposed to send it back to the continence center. I hope it is nothing. GBS residuals are enough. I sometimes get tired of this stuff. Having a good day means one or two of rest following the good day.Fatigue is a huge issue. I dont know if it is my body or my mind that exhausts me.
AnonymousJanuary 4, 2009 at 5:12 pm
Have they done any urodynamic testing on you to determine the cause of your bladder problem. I am a physical therapist. There are PT’s who specialize in bladder issues but you NEED a PT who SPECIALIZES in that!
My boss does that and her results are amazing! That being said, if it is purely neurogenic, they would need to do urodynamics testing to see if training the muscles to work in a coordinated way will help.
It that has not been done, I would ask for it. I would also get a blood test for diabetes since it is possible that this could be an initial sign. It is probably not but it is easy to check for and rule out!
Best of luck to you.
AnonymousJanuary 4, 2009 at 5:43 pm
I have had the urodynamic test done by an Air force urologist. They were not looking for a cause as there seemed to be no question about it being caused from the GBS. What they did the test for was to determine how much urine the bladder was holding, 30% in my case. I was put on detrol and given instruction about muscle control, with follow up in 3 months. Had the diabetes testing in hosp.
I didn’t know there were PT’s that specialized in bladder issues. Learn something new everyday.
Thank you
Shirley -
AnonymousJanuary 8, 2009 at 4:53 pm
doctor said everything looked fine and is sending me to bladder rehab. Just had a problem a little while ago couldnt make it to the bathroom in time. Just went 2 hours ago and didnt drink anything, Parents blame me. they say its because i am lazy.Usually happens in morning when i get up mom thinks i lay in bed too long she is going to get me up at 630 every morning. I dont think that is it with what happened this afternoon. I am very frustrated.
AnonymousJanuary 9, 2009 at 10:28 am
Hey JoJo! See if you can take a drug called Pyridium. It is an RX drug but also over the counter. I take the Pyridium before I go to bed and I use the bathroom before I go to sleep. Also! Any Caffiene you are on might pay to stop drinking. Drink juices and avoid Caffiene drinks. I was constantly wetting myself all during the day and night and when I stopped drinking sodas and went to Sprite O that has no caffiene my bladder eased up some. Plus I take that Pyridium and it turns your urine and orange color but helps ease the urge to urinate alot. If your doctor say’s it’s okay to take it. Try that out! Ever since I got off caffiene and started taking those pills, I finally stopped wetting on myself! It’s worth a try! It might help and then it might not but right now this is worth trying! Hope this helps!
Linda H -
AnonymousJanuary 9, 2009 at 7:01 pm
dont drink caffeine I quit that when i was diagnosed w/GBS. I have had bladder issues before.hands are particularly numb as I am typing. Been a busy day. feet are pretty tingling as well. Pretty tired will go to bed early.Maybe tomorrow i will get to take it easy. Sometimes I am torn. I get bored sitting at home but when I go out it takes me a long time to get my strrength back.
AnonymousJanuary 17, 2009 at 8:55 pm
My urologist had me go every two hours whether I had the urge to go or not, then after the flow stopped I was to count to ten and try to get more urine out to empty the bladder. When I first started this months ago it did not always work and many times when I felt the urge to go I couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time, I had to wear depends. I can tell now that my bladder is holding more urine as I have more urine output now and most of the time I can make it to the bathroom in time. I only go when I feel the urge now and have not worn the depends in a long time but do wear the poise pads just in case. I am still on Detrol, it helps the bladder hold more urine. It took forever and I didn’t think it would ever get better but it did, not like it was before GBS. It’s a strain getting those muscles working to push the urine out of the bladder.
It’s hard for you but keep trying and don’t let your accidents or negative remarks get to you.
Take care
Shirley -
AnonymousJanuary 19, 2009 at 12:12 am
Amy! I truely feel for you! We went to Lowes and Walmart today and both times I had to run as fast as I could to get to the bathroom. Only problem I can’t run anymore. When I get that way I wear those thin pads that help the leakage. My biggest problem is at bedtime when I am sleeping. And have seen me wet the bed and didn’t even know I had to go! You probably have a Neurogenic Bladder. That is what they told me I had! Major pain! Mine has improved some but I still have spells. When I go shopping from now on, I don’t plan on drinking anything until I get home. I almost broke my neck holding on to the shopping cart trying to get to the ladies room. LOL! Twisted my ankle on the way there and am up tonight hurting! Hugs Amy! Hopefully these training exercises will help!
Linda H -
AnonymousJanuary 27, 2009 at 6:45 pm
went back to therapy today. Had two accidents this week(not counting today) she showed me some more exercises for my hip seem the muscles are tight on the left side and is causing pain. I also have the flu agaiin!! Ya know this kinda sucks. Just when i start to make head way i get sick again. I f I am still sick tomorrow am going to call the doctor. My mom wants me to wait it out but i am scared to last time i had a relapse, i already feel weak and am having trouble walking. thanks for listening to me my family is getting tired of it.
AnonymousJanuary 27, 2009 at 9:16 pm
I feel so bad for you with all you are going through and now with the flu.
You have made several comments on how your parents feel. It doesn’t help you when those close to you don’t understand what you are going through. Please read on the spoon theory. If you can print it out and give it to your family and friends to read, they may get a better understanding of the fatigue issues you have. The spoon theory is about lupus, substitute lupus with GBS.
Here is the link
[url][/url]Hope you feel better soon
Shirley -
AnonymousJanuary 29, 2009 at 10:47 am
I used to write alot of life and health insurance and I heard alot about bladder problems. It seems like a few years after having children has something to do with it. There is a minor surgery they do that is called AP Bladder repair. Like I said, it is a real common problem and you probably heard of this kind of repair. I don’t know if this is what you are talking about or not. I hope this helps anyway.
God bless,
Drummer -
AnonymousFebruary 2, 2009 at 7:35 pm
still having occasional accidents. I am doing the excersises that i was told to do. I go back to the therapists tomorrow. I just dont think this is working. I am extremely tired today. Having trouble thinking clearly. Mom still thinks it is laziness. I go as soon as i feel the urge it just is too late. I guess i stayed up too late yesterday at a superbowl party. It was fun but now I am paying for it. My mom and dad are going out of town next week and a friend is going to stay with me. This should be interesting. Its not like she has to really take care of me more like just so i am not alone at night. She said she might bring her dog. that would be nice i miss my dog. my mom mentioned something about getting a dog. she keeps bringing it up. that would be nice.
AnonymousFebruary 4, 2009 at 3:12 pm
fell out of bed at 430am. Must have rolled over too far. Pinched a nerve in my neck and bruised my toes and foot (didnt break anything) it sure does hurt like i did. My mom wont let me have any pain meds but naproxin. Even though i was prescribed others. supposed to keep it elevated and off it today.
Hi Jojo,
I am a mom of a 12 y/o with cidp. Kevin does not use a cane or have any obvious issues. So he too gets “crap” from my husband and son sometimes. I see the pain and frustration in his face when this happens. I do not know you or your family situation, but would your mom consider counseling w/someone who specializes in chronic illnesses? At least it could give you a neutral enviroment to express how you feel freely.
What is the reason your mom discourages medicine? Is it possible your doc could talk to her and tell her the reality of nerve pain. It sounds like you are 18, could it be possible for you to get the meds and keep it to yourself?About the neurogenic bladder. It may be a good idea to get the test for several reasons. In my opinion a very important reason would be to substantiate your claims with medical proof so that your mom can realize it is not laziness but a reality. An even more important reason is if the bladder does not work properly, the urine can spill over into the kidneys and cause renal failure over time. A girl Kevies age has this problem and just returned from Mayo with this info. Which leads me to my last thought. You have mentioned on more than one occasion that there is increased tingling in areas and you feel that illness brings symptoms of flares. Is it possible to visit the idea of a cidp dx? If it were cidp, ivig could start bringing you back to where you were.
Speaking as a mom/caregiver. I know YOU are going through more than anyone who has not experienced this could even imagine (your mother, myself) but… your mother too is going through a difficult time as well. This is not the plan we wanted for our beautiful babies. It is hard for us to accept and watch. There is a different kind of pain we feel, it hurts us just as much to see our babies suffer, we want to fix it and make it go away but cannot. Everyone is different in how they react to times of trouble. Some are kind and compassionate and complacent, not always good because we become enablers, others are stern and unemotional, maybe because there is denial or sadness and not accepting it or attatching it keeps the reality of it at bay. I probably fall in the first category and I worry that I am doing Kevin a disservice by ill-preparing him for the world by babying him too much. Maybe I am too easy on him regarding headaches and pain and doing chores. I am going to try to work on finding a middle ground this year so I can start preparing him for when he gets older.
Maybe you could just talk to your mom, heart to heart and let her know you appreciate and love her and just ask her to be patient with you and assure her you are indeed trying your best, it truly is out of your control. Best wishes to you and your mom, hoping you both can come to a middle ground.
Dawn Kevies mom -
AnonymousFebruary 7, 2009 at 8:22 pm
Well the radiologist called seems my big toe is fractured. U should see my foot. It is nasty looking. all my toes are bruised and one toe nail is bleeding. I am really worried they had said not to do anything to my feet becuse with their current condition it would not heal. I go to an Ortho on Tuesday but i am thinking of calling my GBS dr monday just to let him know what happened. I hurts really bad and my mom would not get the pain meds filled just the naproxen. I cant even put on my brace and shoe. No driving for at least a week. Thanks for the words of encouragement Dawn, I appreciate it.
Is there any way you could just have a friend fill the scrip? Is there a particular reason your mother feels so strongly about meds? Maybe you could have her read some posts here of others and their description of pain. Would your GBS doc be willing to intervene, or maybe a hospital social worker? My heart aches for you, so much on your plate, stay strong and come here, we will listen.
Dawn Kevies mom -
AnonymousFebruary 8, 2009 at 5:01 pm
I go to my GBS doctor tuesday i will talk to him about my pain, Seems my big toe is fractured I received another call from urgent care and the tip of my big toe is broken I dont know if that means it is fractured in two places or not it is a little confusing I go to an ortho guy on tuesday as well.My mom has me wearing a regular shoe and my brace. it really hurts. i think she thinks i am being a baby about the pain. THey are going on vacation tuesday so I am having a friend stay over. But I guess i will be back to driving because no one will be here to give me rides.
AnonymousFebruary 9, 2009 at 11:44 am
Hi Jojo,
I just wanted to show my support, you are going through so much, I hope you will soon get relief from the pain. Our bodies are very important, GBS taught us that, but the mind is important too. Make sure you get enough emotional support, ask your friends/relatives, if it doesn’t work with them or it’s not enough what about counselling, it can really make a difference. This forum is a great place to vent and share our stories, I don’t know what I’d do without it, it keeps me sane, but it’s no substitute for speaking with somebody face to face.
Best wishes
AnonymousFebruary 9, 2009 at 6:08 pm
Went to my head therapist today. She sys I am doing well. Walked a long way today and now my foot is killing me. Just taking Naproxen for the pain. I see my GBS dr tomorrow as well as the ortho guy. I am a little worried my GBS dr had said not to let anythig happen to my feet because they would not heal.Kinda blew that one.
AnonymousFebruary 13, 2009 at 6:16 pm
went to my primary care for pain meds and he sent me to another ortho guy. seems i sprained my foot as well as broke the toe. No driving for at least another week. finally got my mom to agree to pain meds. I cant imagine what it feels like if i had full feeling it hurst really bad. THe second guy said wear my brace it will stabalize my foot. It will take about 4 wks to heal.
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