No Sleep & Hallucinations – any one ?
Diagnosed with CIPD 3+ years now. well into, a well Planned and Executed Treatment Plan. I feel I have an excellent team. My Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacy. Simply put. A very proficient and professional Team. I have trusted and interacted with them with total faith.
Then, out of the blue. 2 years into my Treatments. I am experiencing some concerning problems. I believe it is from not sleeping as I once had.
More importantly, I have now had 3 Hallucinations. This is over a 9 month, possibly longer time frame. I feared mentioning it, and losing my IVIG, privileges, or worse.
I believe there are at least 2 contributing factors. I an get an iv push of Prednisone. after my normal, 2x tylenol & benydril pretreatment and 4 quarts of water I consume leading up to my IVIG infusion, every 4 weeks.(I get a rash without the Prednisone)
an additional Possibility, is now the involvement of cateracs. recently became added to my list. personally, I do not think it is the cateracs, for they existed for years previously.
I have been on the same 4 week IVIG a schedule for close to 2 years. and the same pain management, and IVIG for over 1, year prior to this with no ill effects. Now I go 2-3 days without sleep, after a treatment. Then the problem seems to appear, after 2nd day of no sleep.
GBS/CIPD permanent nerve damage. Goal is to control pain to have some quality of life and be happy during those happy moments. I went from a long life of working hard to keep in great shape; no red meats, work out every day, no problems with weight… was same weight for over 20 yrs, from 20 to 50. I never took any medicine or pills, just vitamins. Except early childhood illness. Typing this is a challenge. I woke up one day with a dragging one leg around, to four days later two legs, then the arms, and I now live in a different body, one of GBS. recently, ill, feels really bad, but bed ridden for five/six years, cannot ambulate whatsoever. But so weird is that sleeping thing. I was such as good sleeper, and now I can sit in bed, without even watching tv and watch the sun rise…for days and days and days without sleeping. I already take four to five pills three times a day… but sometimes I have like flashes of time go by that I don’t know if I am asleep dreaming or awake. I have to do a double take; but that can freak me out with my double vision. So sleep deprivation will at some point take effect and who knows what. Plus now I lost most of my hearing, out the the blue You just never know what next. I’m around 60yrs now.
Thanks for the reply. I am certain now a few more sleepless nights later it is the Benedryl I take at bedtime. Seems this has the same effect as the prednisone. I’m 61 and it has not gotten any worse, or any better either. The opioids I was taking previously, Had the time lost effect on me also. I have much less with Gapentin, and Alpha Lipoic, combo I make due with now.
Doc wants a sleep-study. I want to Sleep. Watch me go, and saw wood all night! I am taking 12 plus a Neupro Patch. I single finger peck, single handedly. No speed awards are coming for either us it appears!
Best of Wishes with the hearing.
It’s the BENEDRYL. That stuff makes me wacky. Try some red kratom 4-6 grams in some koolaid to help with sleep. Been using it for almost a year regularly. Kratom got me off of Oxycodone also.
I buy from cali botanicals.
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