no response to tuning fork on toes
AnonymousApril 7, 2010 at 3:42 pm
Saw new neurologist yesterday. HE PUT A TUNING FORK ON MY TOE, NO RESPONSE, THEN PUT it on my ankle and I felt it. He said it was the result of my GBS and that was the reason for my poor balance and inability to stand too long and to walk more than a couple of steps. Has anyone on the forum been told this?
AnonymousApril 7, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Yes indeed. When I was bottoming out, I was also tested with a tuning fork on the toes and ankle to no effect. The Dr. would ask me to close my eyes and then ask me which toe he was bending. I could not even tell which foot the toe was on! I was discharged from the hospital 1/11/10 and still have extreme numbness in my feet. Balancing is an effort when standing still.
I do not have any reflexes in my legs. I hope I get that back. Good Luck. -
AnonymousApril 7, 2010 at 7:09 pm
I have no reflexes in all areas they test. I cant feel which toe they are moving with my eyes closed. And when my neuro tested me with tuning fork at my ankle i was unable to feel, he did this 3 times & each time he hit the fork a little harded. my GBS has also effected my sensory nerves & i have axonal damage as well. I still have problems with my balance, & I walk with arm cuff crutches. The cruthches have been used for nearly 2 years now.
Severe case Nov 10.2006
We are strange, well, you guys already knew that!! Anyway, with no reflexes and conduction blocks we still were able to pass the tuning fork test?? How does that work?
AnonymousApril 8, 2010 at 11:14 am
yes, my new neuro used the tuning fork on ankle and there is no response. oddly enough, i have some feeling on inside of leg from thigh to ankle, but not outside of leg or ankle or toes. use afo on leg and cane. balance very off b/c cant feel ground with foot , ankle doesnt flex….all due to gbs. got sick in july 09 and out of hospital oct 09. hold on literally! dont fall b/c then there is a whole new set of problems. keep going to pt and lets all hope for the best with our effected limbs!
AnonymousApril 17, 2010 at 9:42 am
Thanks to all who replied. I believe my gbs has worsened since first dx May 2005. The new neuro also said that having both mg and gbs was not usual and that my breast cancer dx in 1991, metastasized to bone cancer 2008, is the culbrit for all my immunes; also have pernicious anemia and skin cancer. Friday my oncologist called and wants to see me Mon. I wasn’t scheduled to see him ’til May 3 and my marker went down to 323 from 1500 almost a year ago. This forum is my only outlet. My husband has Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, we are both 84, our children are supportive, 1 lives in Syracuse, the other in CT, our daughter lives close by, helps us a lot, but she has her own family problems and I don’t want to burden her with my feelings. Thanks again for being my sounding board. It helps to talk with others who are dealing with the same issue,
AnonymousApril 17, 2010 at 11:20 am
[QUOTE=sadie]yes, my new neuro used the tuning fork on ankle and there is no response. oddly enough, i have some feeling on inside of leg from thigh to ankle, but not outside of leg or ankle or toes. use afo on leg and cane. balance very off b/c cant feel ground with foot , ankle doesnt flex….all due to gbs. got sick in july 09 and out of hospital oct 09. hold on literally! dont fall b/c then there is a whole new set of problems. keep going to pt and lets all hope for the best with our effected limbs![/QUOTE]
Sadie, I have similar sensory patterns — sensation on inside of ankles, but outside fairly numb and then pretty dead in feet and toes, though there are spots where there is some feeling. Also, I have full sensation on backs of legs, but not front up to mid-shin bone. I can flex my right ankle somewhat; left is immobile. From calves on up I seem to have little/no sensory issues, though left leg below knee is atrophied and right leg is going in that direction. I wear AFO’s as well.
I have been dxed with CIDP (2 years of gradual progression) and wonder if that is what you have as well, rather than GBS. CIDP is considered the chronic form of GBS.
I am curious to know how/if pt helps you; no one has suggested it for me, nor does it make sense from a logical standpoint; i.e., muscles aren’t going to work no matter what you do, if there is nerve blockage.
Good luck to you.
AnonymousApril 17, 2010 at 3:26 pm
Peggy –
I can feel the tuning fork on my wrists at about a 7 (1 – 10 scale), on my left ankle at about a 3 and my right ankle not at all. The tops of my feet about a 2 but the bottoms, again not at all.I will pray for you and your husband – sounds like there is more going on than just the tuning fork. I am so glad for this forum, too! Everyone is so supportive – and it is a wonderful outlet.
Please take care of yourselves – – –
AnonymousApril 19, 2010 at 9:26 pm
sharon: i had rehab and pt in danbury hospital to start. then sent to bethel health care: a real hell hole of a sub acute care faciliity. then to pt in Brewster. he uses cold laser after heating muscles and then manipulates legs and my arm and hand. i couldnt lift my arm until he worked on it for months and now at least I can write somewhat. after working with the legs, I was able to remove afo from right leg but left leg is as i described. no feeling outside and ankle and foot although i do have slight feeling in instep. after he stretches and pulls everything, he tests strength in all the limbs and then i go to gym in the office,. i am up to 20 mins on treadmill and then to bike and a leg thing for quads and some exercise with a rolling ball and deep knee bends and step exercises. i went from wheelchair,, to walker to cane. but still afo on left leg. also, i just started driving short distances last monday so i can get to the pt on my own instead of begging for rides from people who really felt put out when i asked. my neurologist says the only answer for gbs is physical therapy. even tho the ins. is not willing to go passed 30 visits, the neuro and pt are fighting it. they will lose for sure, but i will continue at gym. so for me it is worthwhile. i had wholeload of drs evaluating me at danbury and they came up with gbs. they said it was the worst case they ever saw. one minute i was standing and the next: on the floor. went to hosp on july 5 and didnt wake up until end of august. but i will keep with pt as long as i can
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