No Laughing Matter, a novel about GBS

    • Anonymous
      January 15, 2009 at 9:55 am

      I am not sure haw many of you know that in 1986 author Joseph Heller wrote a book about his experience with GBS. It is entitled No Laughing Matter. If you have never read it, you might check it out at your local library or get a copy at It is heart wrenching at times, but also humorous and captures the frustration of GBS and the long road to recovery. Also, since the book was written 23 years ago, you will see the strides that have been made in the understanding of and treatment of GBS.

      Take Care,

    • Anonymous
      January 16, 2009 at 8:01 am


      I understand when you say things have come a long way in the last 23 years. I dealt with GBS in 1986. Basically all they were equipped to do was keep you from “kicking the bucket” until the GBS ran its course. I see that you had it in 1976. No doubt you were able to see improvements from ’76 to ’86 too.


    • Anonymous
      January 16, 2009 at 10:21 am

      I just found the book in Ebay and grabbed a copy! I like reading real true life stories! Thought it would be a good book to read while caring for my mom when she has her knee replacement next week. I love to read! My house is full of books. But I like real life stories! Thanks for sharing this and I can’t wait to read the book I ordered. Got it in Ebay for $1.50 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Not bad! 😀

    • Anonymous
      January 16, 2009 at 6:59 pm

      i got the book about a year agao. got halfway threw it but never finished…. i would still recomend it to anyone its a good read. i was astonished to find how many times i was thinking “wow i did the same thing”

    • Anonymous
      January 17, 2009 at 1:46 pm

      I read No Laughing Matter when it was first published. In 1986, as in 1976 when I had GBS, all they could do was treat the symptoms and hope you survive, or not kick the bucket as Jim said in an earlier post. Joseph Heller was a pretty famous author at that time, having written Catch 22, and I think captures the experience of dealing with GBS very well. Later in his life he ended up marrying one of the nurses who cared for him. Heller died in 1999 at the age of 76.

    • Anonymous
      January 17, 2009 at 8:04 pm

      I remember that book but never got the chance to read it! Hmmm! Might check if Ebay has that one too. It’s very relaxing sitting in your home on a very cold night all cuddled up in an afghan keeping warm with hot chocolate and a nice book. I also love reading Fantasy Books. Piers Anthony has some really good stories that take you into a whole new world! Terry Goodkind is also good. Thanks for sharing this. Will see if I can find that book! Hugs
      Linda H

    • Anonymous
      January 17, 2009 at 10:28 pm

      My first encounter with GBS was in 1986 – the same year the book came out. Luckily I did not discover it until after I started getting better. I was going downhill gradually under the watchful eye of a wholistic doctor that would see me regularly and say to call if it got worse. I intuitively discovered adrenal extract which stopped the GBS and I started getting better. (The mega doses of Vitamin C slowed down the progression of the disease.)But I had to take 12 adrenals a day for it to work. When I saw my doctor, he said that I needed to take 12 because it was difficult for my body to absorb it. He said that had I gotten worse, he would have hospitalized me and given me intrarvenous vitamin C and adrenal exract. Then I discovered No Laughing MAtter. I was grateful that I had not found it before that time, because it would have scared the beegeebies out of me. I did not realize how bad GBS could be. I can still remember my doctor telling me that I had GBS, I said something like, “Good, we know what it is, now what do we do to fix it?” How naive. My first bout with GBS was fairly mild – I could walk – but slowly and not well. The second time I got it twenty years later, it was alot worse. Both times stress brought it on. But the book was well-written and I recommend it to everyone. I certainly finished it and felt an affinity to Joseph Heller afterwards.

    • Anonymous
      January 19, 2009 at 12:17 am

      Hi Carol! What doses of Vitamin C did you take? Were they over the counter pill forms and did it help? Also what it an adrenal extract and is that too over the counter? Did that help too! The reason asking about the vitamin c is I know I don’t get enough of that and might just try it out and talk to my doctor about it! Hate you had to see a second attack. That would have been very scary! Hugs
      Linda H

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2009 at 11:01 pm

      Hi, Linda,
      I am sorry I did not reply sooner – I did not see that you had replied. With vitamin C there is something called “bowel tolerance” and this is your body telling you that it has had enough. You could start with One Gram (1,000 mg) and then take one an hour. You will get to a point where You have to go #2. That tells you that you have reached your tolerance. I take capsules from Vitamin Shoppe C-1000 Complex. It has citrus bioflavanoids and rose hips. Do not take tablets as they will not dissolve in your stomach as easily. I take three capsules several times a day in the winter months and have not reached bowel tolerance so my body is using all of it. My adrenals are made by Natural Source or Nutricology. It is just ground up adrenal glands from a bovine source. There is a clinic in Vervay, Switzerland that used to give shots from baby lambs or something like that with the purpose of stimulating the body with ffresh cells. I think this was kinda like stem cells theory years ago. I would prefer not to go on and on and take up space, so if you are interested, send me a private message and I shall tell you how I determined the correct amount of the glandulars.
      People will tell you this is a waste of time and supplements don’t work – but I am blessed to having learned this from an excellent wholistic doctor that Suzanne Sommers talks about on tv and in her book.
      Hope this helps.