New "What is CIDP?" DVD
AnonymousJanuary 3, 2007 at 3:17 pm
The new CIDP DVD discusses symptoms, diagnosis, the clinical course and treatment options. The DVD, which runs approximately 25 minutes in length, is generally in language that the lay person can understand.
Visit our web store and purchase this
DVD for $10.00 + shipping.Copy and paste the code below to visit our web store.
AnonymousMay 20, 2007 at 1:16 pm
Paul, you cannot play a DVD from here on a simple PAL player and TV since we use the NTSC system. But you should be able to play it on a computer. I know from experience living for a few years in Thailand where the system is PAL. There, however, many players and TV’s are multi-norm capable of playing both PAL or NTSC.
AnonymousMay 30, 2007 at 4:26 am
i bought the dvd and a few other things from the store. it reminded me of a boring nursing school video. however, i think it would be some what helpful for my family members to watch and get a better understanding.
the “two patients” that are in the video are of course the ideal patient and have super responses to treatments and no bumps in their road to recovery.
so, it was sort of a fairy tale ending…… boo hoo
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