Names For Mary’s Baby Boy
AnonymousMay 31, 2006 at 9:18 pm
My little one’s name is Aiden, and everywhere we go now we run into an Aiden/Aidan. In his class this year, there was an Aidan O, and an Aiden W, so unfortunately to their classmates that is what they are known as …. Aidano and Aidenw. Gee, didnt know that Aiden/Aidan would be such a common name when we chose it.
AnonymousMay 31, 2006 at 10:34 pm
My paternal grandmother’s family came from Scotland several generations back; her name was Jesse Marguerite; hence names for my daughter Jessica and me.
Jessica and I both have the same middle name–Frances. My son in law and his father are both Francis, called Frank. And when Jessica and Frank went to the Humane Society to rescue a dog, they found a hydrid (half collie, half German shepherd) named Francis.
I really love family names…they are a reminder of people we love and wonderful traditions. My Uncle Nick (still alive in his 80’s), his son Nick Jr., his grandson Nick III, and greatgrandson, Nick IV, have a warm, loving relationship. It is a joy to see them together.
Marge -
AnonymousJune 1, 2006 at 9:02 am
my son is named after his grandfathers. his name is Joseph Clark. each name is 6th generation. my dad’s middle name and my father-in-laws middle name (he uses it as his first name though). i couldn’t use my father-in-laws middle/first name and my dad’s first name, it would have given my son a complex, he would have been …Clark Kent! even though he is my superman, i just couldn’t do that to a kid!:)
HarleyQ has come up with Apple Pie
Raven likes Draco or Dracos
Bob likes Batman (and he is serious:rolleyes: ) He also likes Logan and Wolfgang.
AnonymousJune 8, 2006 at 12:27 am
How about Ransom, i know a young man whose mom named him after the movie character that was played by jimmie stewart.
there is also the unisex name of Tevan, my daughter spells her name with the “a”. there is a boy in her school who spells his with an “i”-Tevin. a cousin who spells it with an “e”- Teven. all pronounced like Evan with a T in front.:)
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