MRI shows for GBS?

    • Anonymous
      November 21, 2011 at 2:20 pm

      What does an MRI show for GBS?
      Does it show any reason for blurred vision with GBS?
      I don’t have $ for an MRI. Would only consider it for blurred vision diagnoses.

      Thanks everyone.

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2011 at 2:14 pm

      There are a few reasons I can think of that an MRI would be ordered.

      1) To check for tumors which could be causing your symptoms

      2) To check for lesions (think MS)

      3) To check your brain stem (Chiari Malformation causes similar symptoms)

      4) To check for inflammation of the brain

      My daughter had right eye involvement (meaning her right eye was paralyzed looking in towards her nose). Her 1st symptom of this was blurred vision & then dry eyes. A brain MRI with contrast revealed she had inflammation on 3 cranial nerves (I can’t remember which ones right now though…sorry).

      She was 1st dx’d with GBS & Miller Fisher Syndrome.


    • November 26, 2011 at 11:26 pm

      I am not sure when you were D’x’d with GBS but from what I know prior to my diagnosis the used the MRI to rule out MS,Brain Tumors ect. It was process of elimination on their part which is a valid approach. When the MRI came back totally normal thats when they told me to come back in 2 weeks. In the meantime GBS was doing it’s work on me. Once I got the all is “normal” I went straight to the ER.

      You are right… MRI’s are very expensive, especially if they are coming straight out of your pocket. Make sure you understand what they are looking for. If there is valid reason for an MRI then you may have to do it. But make sure to ask questions.


    • Anonymous
      December 14, 2011 at 6:01 pm

      I am a GBS survivor and I contracted GBS 5 days after I had a fusion surgery in my back, T-12 Burst Fracture from ATV accident. I contracted GBS on September 3, 2009 and I got the whole package, trachea, 99% paralysis and i could only blink my right eye, the rest of my body was paralyzed except for my eyes, right eye lid and heart. On December 2nd I had an MRI done and before that I had talked to my doctor, he said that it wont show anything to do with nerves, it’ll only show obvious things (example. Tumors, and other things posted above…) and in my case scar tissue.

      How long ago did you contract GBS? (This is Key)

      I had blurred and double vision from GBS but it went away approximately 3 months later with just natural healing. I also had several rounds of Plasma transfusions and IVIG. In the mean time, i just put a patch over my left eye and then i could see fine with just my right.

      To conclude I don’t think an MRI would be useful unless you are past 3-4 months from the date that you contracted the syndrome. If you are i would then be doing everything possible to figure out why it is still happening, but again I am just a GBS survivor, not a doctor.

      If you have any other questions feel free to ask me because I am one of the very few that have lived through the full wrath of Guillian-Barre Syndrome and would be happy to help in anyway I can.