Low Hemoglobin?

    • Anonymous
      March 16, 2007 at 5:16 pm

      I have never read that GBS causes low Hemoglobin but I have read that CDIP does. Does GBS cause it?
      Nate’s first doctor had him on iron and he is still on it. He never had any problem with low Hemoglobin before.
      They also have him on Aspirin every day too. Its kind of confusing.
      Trudy, natesmom

    • Anonymous
      March 17, 2007 at 2:07 pm


      About a year ago I had to take Emily to a gastro dr. He did some bloodwork & told me that Emily was anemic. Her hemoglobin was barely lower than normal. I did some research & found some info saying that IVIG can lower your iron levels. I started giving Emily a multi-vitamin with iron everyday (Children’s Centrum Complete) and the next month her iron was back up to the normal range (JUST normal though).

      You can also try to give him foods that contain lots of iron. I’ve tried that with Emily but she’s a really picky eater.

    • Anonymous
      March 17, 2007 at 5:33 pm

      Funny you should mention that. Nate is a picky eater also. He drives us nuts.
      He never had IVIG but I wish he had. His neuro said it was in short supply and he would have to get a lot to accomodate Nate’s large size so he opted to use Plasma Pheresis instead.
      From what I have read, it looks like IVIG may have helped Nate recover faster.
      Trudy, natesmom