Life Insurance Premium Waiver ???

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2009 at 8:39 am

      It you are disabled and have life insurance, and some cancer policies have it also, there is a good chance you do not have to pay the premiums on these policies as long as you are disabled. If you have been paying them you may get money refunded to you for as long as you have been sick. It would pay to check on this, Premium Waiver, and that would be one less bill to pay. I brought this to everyones attention on another thread and thought it would be best to make a thread out of this one topic…Premium Waiver.

      God bless,

    • January 14, 2009 at 10:55 am

      Drummer thank you so much. I am going to tell everyone I know. This is the type of info that could be so helpful to some. I will keep it in mind for ourselves since we took out a huge policy on myself and my husband should Kevin need $ when he is older. Thank you so much.
      Dawn Kevies mom

    • Anonymous
      January 14, 2009 at 7:47 pm

      I have been wanting to get life insurance but have been turned down on many I have applied for. I have Lupus and because I have a disease I can’t find life insurance. The price to pay for being ill!

    • Anonymous
      January 20, 2009 at 3:26 pm

      You can’t get collision insurance on a auto while it is wrecked either.

    • Anonymous
      January 20, 2009 at 3:26 pm

      You can’t get collision insurance on a auto while it is wrecked either.

      God bless,

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2009 at 8:06 am

      I had a premium waiver on my life insurance when I came down with GBS and after a lot of hassle the insurance company finally realized that I was disabled and did waive the premiums. That is until the age of 60. I did not realize that this fine print was with the waiver when I signed the contract. I thought that the premiums would be waived until I passed on. When I turned 60 I had to either start paying the premiums again or convert the worth of the Whole Life policy into cash or an annuity. I chose the annuity for tax purposes. I have no life insurance, which is fine because I can use the money now and would not have been able to use the it the other way.:)

      Guess what I am trying to say is always check out the fine print.
