IVIG funding?
AnonymousDecember 31, 2006 at 12:00 pm
My mother in law has CIDP and is basicly going down quickly and soon will be probably fired from her job from lack of working due to bad days and doctor appointments.
She already has no feeling in several places and horribly burned her finger (smoker) without knowing she did it until it was about to the bone.
Anyway, she is about to end up without a job which means no medical.
She is 56 years old and needs her meds in order to keep going. We will be moving in with her soon to help her get through her days.
Do you know if Medicare covers IVIG or part of it, if so how much? She is afraid of leaving the job because her meds cost so much.
Thank you.
AnonymousDecember 31, 2006 at 12:54 pm
Hi there.
I haven’t had any problems getting my IVIG covered by medicare/medicade. Try getting in touch with a social worker at your hospital and they can usually help a great deal. Also (needymeds.com) has links to many drug assistance programs if all else fails. If you need any help feel free to email me [B][SIZE=1]jerimyschilz at hotmail dot com
[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]Take care,
[/SIZE][/SIZE] -
AnonymousDecember 31, 2006 at 7:58 pm
Myself your thoughts and my prayers are with you!! Medicare does pay for I.V.I.G. I have no ideal how much for the simple fact my husband has it and I still work so he also has my job’s insurance as well.
I have just joined this site and I have had answers from Ali that helped me and I appreciate her. My question to you is: My husband has CIDP and is disabled, he is on Medicare but he is also on my insurance first for the medication which is expensive. I was told that if he had Medicaid as well that they would pay his medication and he could be taken off of my work insurance is that true? My premiums wold be cheaper and the copay on these medications are pretty high. Could you help me? By the way I love this site it has some much information!Thanks
AnonymousJanuary 1, 2007 at 12:11 am
Would it be possible for you to speak with a social worker at the hospital that your husband gets his treatments through?? The reason I recommend that is because many times the hospital agrees to take the Medicare payment as payment in full. Because you have him on your insurance and that is an option available to him, I would want to make doubly sure the hospital wont still hold you responsible for the balance between what Medicare pays, and what the hospital charges. I would hate to see you get stuck with a bill for something your insurance covers now. If you have any questions or anything feel free to message or email me. Take care.
[quote=DianaT]Myself your thoughts and my prayers are with you!! Medicare does pay for I.V.I.G. I have no ideal how much for the simple fact my husband has it and I still work so he also has my job’s insurance as well.
I have just joined this site and I have had answers from Ali that helped me and I appreciate her. My question to you is: My husband has CIDP and is disabled, he is on Medicare but he is also on my insurance first for the medication which is expensive. I was told that if he had Medicaid as well that they would pay his medication and he could be taken off of my work insurance is that true? My premiums wold be cheaper and the copay on these medications are pretty high. Could you help me? By the way I love this site it has some much information!Thanks[/quote]
AnonymousJanuary 1, 2007 at 11:24 am
I will most definately let her know of all this.
I am not sure if she gets the treatment in the hospital or a private area designated for the treatment, but it is possible I am sure to get it somewhere else if needed.
I just worry so much about her. She now walks kind of huntched over, her legs have now bowed like a horse back rider, she can’t feel much in feet, hands etc. and keeps burning herself with cigs or steping on things and not feeling them. Who knows what she can do to herself and she is only 56 so she is still very young to be this old.
Of course she says the same about me, I am 34 and have horrible RA and move just as well as she does lol. But, mine will hopefully have the right meds found, hers we can’t stop, just can slow it down so i worry for her as much as she worries for me.
I’m just glad our family is so happy spirited. Joking and having fun all the time, it would be very hard if we weren’t.
Thank you so much for the information.
AnonymousJanuary 1, 2007 at 1:47 pm
[QUOTE=myself]My mother in law has CIDP and is basicly going down quickly and soon will be probably fired from her job from lack of working due to bad days and doctor appointments.
[/QUOTE]myself……go to the U.S. Dept of Labor and hit the ”Search/A to Z Index” on the top right corner and scroll down to Discrimination Disability and learn about her rights and if she’s fired for this then EEOC can/will file against them (employer) and also an attorney could file a Lawsuit on her behalf…
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