IVIG – Flebogamma Report (personal) and Subcutaneous Question

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 12:38 pm

      On the old board I ended up signing up for a magazine called IVIG Living and in it I saw an ad for Flebogamma a brand of IVIG I had never seen before. It actually said it hadn’t had a recall of its IVIG product ever which is about 8 yrs I think. Although I had the same histamine release at faster infusion rates as I did with some other brands, I actually had none at 50g per 12 hours and I actually felt stronger almost immediately. A fraction of the amount of IVIG I normally received has lasted me 2 months. I believe a big part of this is no downtime due to recovery from the infusion.

      Just wanted to share about Flebogamma since I hadn’t heard anything about it on the old board. It is made by Grifols. No I don’t work for them 😀

      Has anyone tried subcutaneous IVIG for treatment of CIDP or variants?

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 1:00 pm


      When Vivaglobin first came out (subcutaneous ig made by ZLBehring), I had inquired about it – according to the doctors at that time, it would not be an effective replacement therapy for ivig.

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 2:18 pm

      I see my Dr next month and had planned to ask him about sub-cutaneous infusions. I will report back on what he says.


    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 3:05 pm

      Subcutaneous is an injection into the skin( just below the skin) so I don’t think that works for IVIG. You can get gammaglobulin shots, but they don’t benefit GBS or CIDP. 🙂 🙂

      Am I confusing this with something else folks? Let me know please.

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2006 at 3:05 pm

      hi solar, i had flebogamma back in oct 05- i had a bad reaction to it- aseptic menigitis. it was probably just me, because i have a very sensitive system, and not due to the ivig product. i was supposed to get 5 nights of 12 hours each night of the ivig but had to stop right after the second night due to complications. i felt stronger the next day after the first series of bottles, felt good the second night until the last 30 mins of treatment, then all h#@@ broke loose. good luck, and take care.