IVIG Boost

    • Anonymous
      May 9, 2010 at 4:53 pm

      Does anyone know the recommended time that a GBS patient should wait between IVIG treatments? I read on MayoClinic.com that back-to-back treatments aren’t effective. However, I cannot find any guidance regarding how many weeks you should wait in between the week-long IVIG treatments to get maximum benefits.

      Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Anonymous
      May 9, 2010 at 8:48 pm

      Dear Researcher,
      [QUOTE]Does anyone know the recommended time that a GBS patient should wait between IVIG treatments?[/QUOTE] The standard procedure for a GBS patient is a treatment of IVIg as soon as the GBS diagnosis is made; 2g/kg body weight over a 5 day period. There should not be more than this one treatment for GBS, unless you have made progress and have a relapse which may indicate you have CIDP.

      Best regards.
