IVIG & kidneys
Has anyone been taken off IVIG because it was causing kidney problems? Seems my basic metabolic panel for two months in a row has indicated a kidney problem which my Dr. associates with the IVIG I receive. Anyone had this problem with IVIG? I was on IVIG for 9 years every three weeks the went to plasma exchange for 3 years and now back to IVIG two months ago and whamo, kidney problem. Any info you may give would be appreciated.
AnonymousOctober 30, 2008 at 5:19 pm
We’ve been watching my kidneys, some months my blood levels are off, some months they are not. If you are receiving an IVIg product that is stablized with a type of sugar this is likely the cause – there are others that do not have sugar and are easier on the kidneys (Gammagard for example). If you are on Gammagard, as I am, then it’s a little different. My research into this suggests that it’s more the rate of the IVIg that causes kidney failure when sugar isn’t a factor. They recommend that if you have kidney trouble you never exceed a rate of 50mL/hour, preferably 25mL/hour. I slowed mine down from 200mL/hour to 100mL/hour my last treatment round and for the first time in eight months I don’t have constant kidney pain. They still aren’t functioning all that well but they aren’t waking me up at night hurting anymore. Good luck figuring this out – it’s been more or less trial and error for me. 🙂Julie
Thanks Julie,
I am to see a nephrologist soon and with him and neuro I will suggest a change in the IG and lower rate. Much thanks.
AnonymousNovember 1, 2008 at 10:42 am
I’m currently receiving 65 grams of Gamunex per day on two successive days every two weeks. Blood work is done every day I receive infusions to check for renal problems. So far, I haven’t had any problems, but my neurologist insists that the blood work be done each and every time. My infusion rate is 130 ml/hr, after pre-medication with 25 mg of Benadryl, 1000 mg of Tylenol, and 125 mg of Solumedrol.
Here’s the URL of a table that provides the specifications for a number of brands of IGg. Your Nephrologist may find it to be useful.
AnonymousNovember 1, 2008 at 11:20 am
I don’t know what I’d do without the info available here. I noticed some soreness in the kidney area, no other symptoms, and it doesn’t last too long, but I suspected Kidneys. I’ve had two IVIG (Gammaguard) 5 day treatments. Luckily I don’t pre or post medicate for them, since I have no reactions………………yet! lol
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