Is guilt normal?
I have recently become disabled because of CIDP. I use a rollater and a wheelchair.
I sometimes feel like I am “playing” disabled, and that I should be able to walk without assistance. But the reality is that my legs don’t work right, and even with a walker, I sometimes fall down.
Is it normal to feel that way? I don’t know exactly how to explain.
The biggest part of the battle is from the shoulders and up. I am ten years into this sometimes nightmare. Like me you didn’t ask for this And you absolutely do NOT deserve it!
- My sister has to help me. Be my caregiver. I do what I can but I realize my limitations. They are permanent. I don’t feel guilty. I have balance problems, a drop foot because of CIDP and weak legs along with other medical conditions. I will pray for you. May God bless, comfort and strengthen you. Amen
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