how much will I lose?

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2007 at 11:25 am

      I was just wondering if anyone else who has taken chemo has lost their hair and how much. I am losing more and more and just wonder how much to expect to lose. I know no one can predict but at least give me an idea of what you lost. I have shoulder length hair and it is getting thinner and dryer and shedding constantly. I am wondering if I should just cut it and be done with the daily reminder. I guess I didn’t believe the doctor when he said there would be hair loss. Every day I am seeing how this disease alters me. What a trip. I am just so grateful to be getting the care that I need from the medical system, the government and my family. I’d rather have that than hair. :p Thanks for any input.

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2007 at 12:26 pm


      My mom lost her hair from chemo…all of it after the first treatment. As it was reallllly shedding, she asked us to cut it. How hard that was.
      It was amazing how cute she looked with no hair. After a few months, it came back so curly and thick…she looked darling with such short hair even tho her hair had always been longer.

      I cant imagine how hard hair loss would be. Just remember, you are beautiful no matter what !

      I’m not one to talk right now…:) but, take care of yourself !


    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2007 at 11:58 pm

      Are you merely on one of the chemo anti-suppressants that are taken orally? By that I mean something like Cell-cept, Imuran, Methotrexate, etc. Because most people do not lose their hair from these. I was on a regimen of high dose Cytoxan which was infused monthly. I began to lose a lot of hair after the first month & so I had all of my hair shaved off. Since I was on the chemo infusions for 9 months, I was probably without much hair for about 1 1/2 years. But I really didn’t care at that time, as I was so sick it just made my life easier (unable to walk, no use of my hands, no way to shower.)

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2007 at 1:13 am

      I am on Methotrexate Pam. Do you have experience with this?

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2007 at 10:49 am

      No, I was never on Methotrexate, but I was on Imuran for 3 months back in 2002. I never lost any hair from that. But I do know a lot of people with Rhematoid Arthritis who are on methotrexate & no one has mentioned hair loss. But since we all seem to react differently to drugs, & if your neuro mentioned possible hair loss, then I guess it is possible. Is it really helping you? I just asked because some of the things they try us on don’t. If it is helping you, then I would suggest trying a shorter haircut; if not go off of it & keep your hair longer. Wish I could help more…

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2007 at 11:05 am

      Thanks for your input. Yeah, I’d love to just opt off of this stuff but as I mentioned in many of my other posts, this is one of the last treatment options for me and I agreed to stay on it at least until October in order to rule it successful or not. Frankly, I don’t think it is doing much but we’ll see. I know I must seem like a complainer to those of you who have obviously suffered much greater than I, and for that I apologize but one tends to get preoccupied with even the “minor” nuances of this conditon. I find myself in new territory with all of this due to the major change and loss I have had to adjust to. Giving up my career, taking drugs that conflict with the maintainence of another health condition, learning how to use my body in a totally differant way and still feeling like a useful human being is all just as emotionally demanding as any of the many challanges we each face. Sometimes I thilnk we all just want some recognition or acknowledgment that we don’t always get from those that have never dealt with anything like this. I guess thats why we have this forum and why even though we each have differant degrees of pain, we can at least give one another that little nod we so desperately need. Thanks to all of you for listening, tolerating and offering advice even in the face of your own challanges.

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2007 at 12:15 pm

      Linda, My fil was on metho before his chemo, he only lost hair with the second round of a rituxan cocktail, no hairloss with just metho. The metho was used for his ra, which now is gone due to the rituxan cocktail-good sideeffect! I don’t think anyone can say for sure that any one drug would cause hairloss. My fil had rituxan with sol the first round and didn’t loose any hair-but was told he would. It really is an individual thing. I hope your treatments work for you. You are in my Prayers.

      I don’t think you are a complainer, you need to do research on every new problem that pops up, otherwise how would you know if it is important or not. I would be doing the same thing. Take care.

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2007 at 12:34 pm

      Thanks Cheryl,
      It’s interesting because in the Thread posted, I think yesterday about [I]Prednisone or Imuran, Is it worth it[/I], many posted that when taking Imuran they experienced hair loss. So I guess no one can say for sure how a drug should or shouldn’t affect us in certain ways. It just helped me to read those validating posts. And your post helped me too Cheryl. Thanks

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2007 at 1:07 pm


      I’ve been on Imuran for going on 3 months. I feel that I’ve lost a little under a quarter of my hair – but thanks to my ethnic background, I had enough to begin with that it’s not noticible to others. (FINALLY, being an ashkinazi jew gives me some genetic benifit besides umpteen autoimmune diseases).

      I feel like the hair loss is leveling out and, the way things are going I don’t expect to loose much more. However, if it does get worse, my plan is to shave it all off and buy several different wigs. When else in your life do you get to have long brown hair one day and a short blonde bob the next? Or even bright punk rocker blue? Now I’m 21, and live in NYC, and a bit eccentric so I might find this multi wig buying idea a little more exciting than you do, but getting one really nice wig might do you some good.

      Good luck with it, I hope you find a solution that works for you.

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2007 at 9:22 pm

      Thanks Dana, I was thinking the same thing. New looks everyday. In the late eighties I was your age and punk was the style. I used to go to NYC and troll canal street and thrift shops and you brought me right back to those days when being different was my badge of honor. I am inspired to be that girl again. Thanks. By the way, do you have CIDP or GBS? For how long?How is the immuran working? E-mail if you want.