Help! Son’s school doesn’t want to admit him without vaccination

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2008 at 12:09 pm

      The school my four year old son is set to attend in about a week called and told me that they wouldn’t be allowing my son into school if he didn’t get vaccinated. I have CIDP. I’m extremely worried about the possibility of my son developing GBS as a result of vaccines.

      My son had severe enough jaundice to require hospitalization when he was born. At less than a month old, he was hospitalized at Children’s Hospital with viral meningitis. He had so many ear infection as an infant that he nearly had to have tubes in his ears. While all of this probably has nothing to do with the likelihood of him developing GBS, it does give me concerns about how his immune system might handle the vaccines.

      While I know Texas allows a certain percentage of students in each school to have vaccinations waiver, I want to be able to show the administration at my son’s school facts to back up my worries about the vaccines.

      TDaP and Varicella vaccines have been discussed in the forums. I pretty sure I can read through the threads here and find websites and studies to show you the school about them. I am really wondering if there has been a link made between GBS and the MMR vaccine? Can anyone point me in the direction of a good website showing the risks of it or any of the other vaccines?

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2008 at 1:38 pm

      There is one thing that might help solve this. A doctor’s note stating your problems with CIDP and your son’s health factors. Maybe a Doctor’s note stating the boy can’t be vaccinated because of health concerns. That might work! Some people that are allergic to bird feather’s or eggs can’t have vaccines either. So this might pass if you talk with his doctor. Hope this helps!

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2008 at 2:51 pm

      Thank you for your advice! I have the medical orders for my IVIg treatment and the lovely packet of information I received from GBS/CIDP. I might be able to get my son in to see our family doctor before the 20th. A friend of mine told me about a doctor locally that is heavily against vaccinations. Maybe I can try to look him up and get my son in to see him…

    • Anonymous
      August 13, 2008 at 10:15 am

      I am from Canada so laws will be different, but do you not have the right to deny the vaccinations? Are they regulated by law? I am not sure what the laws here are anymore as my kids are all grown now but certainly something to persue.

    • Anonymous
      August 13, 2008 at 1:51 pm

      [QUOTE=jan’83]I am from Canada so laws will be different, but do you not have the right to deny the vaccinations? Are they regulated by law? I am not sure what the laws here are anymore as my kids are all grown now but certainly something to persue.[/QUOTE]

      My understanding of Texas law is each school can only have a certain percentage of children that aren’t vaccinated in them. It’s possible for parents to get vaccination waivers for medical and religious reasons, but if the school exceeds the percentage of unvaccinated students that they’re allowed, they can be fined by the state. Now, my understanding could be wrong as it’s been awhile since I’ve read over the law.

    • Anonymous
      August 15, 2008 at 5:32 pm

      I figured I’d post a quick update on the vaccination issue

      I sent an e-mail to Sammy’s school, completely explaining CIDP and my worries over Sammy getting vaccinations because of the likelihood of developing GBS. I received an e-mail back from them in which they thanked me for being so open and willing to share about my health problems. They are looking into forms for waiving vaccines due to medical concerns. My children go to a small Christian private school so it’s quite possible I’m the first person that has ever had this request. At least they understand my worries and seem to be willing to work with me on it.

      After some discussion last night, my husband and I decided to not vaccinate Sammy at all. He was sick quite often as an infant, requiring hospitalization at four weeks old for meningitis. He also had so many ear infections there was debate about putting tubes in his ears. My husband and I discussed the likelihood of Sammy catching any of the illnesses they vaccinate against vs the likelihood of Sammy having a potentially serious side effect. We figure the odds of him getting a side effect were greater than the odds of him getting the illnesses. When Sammy is old enough to decide for himself, we’ll let him figure out if he wants the vaccinations or not.

    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2008 at 10:08 am

      I just posted a similar thread in the Adults section as NJ has come out saying all pre-schoolers need the flu vaccine. I got GBS 3 years ago (never had the flu vaccine), and have a relative that also had it. So I’m hesitant, would be interested to hear how you make out.

      Thanks…………… Mike

    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2008 at 5:18 pm

      In Texas, you can waive vaccinations for religious/reasons of conscience or for medical reasons. I’ve discovered that in order to waive vaccinations for religious/reasons of conscience you have to request a form from the Texas Department of Health. For medical reasons, all I need to get is a note from either my neurologist or my son’s doctor stating receiving the vaccines could be bad for his health or mine.

      Here’s a link that gives info on the New Jersey laws as far as vaccinations and waivers go. It looks like it’s easier to get a vaccination waiver in New Jersey than it is in Texas.

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2008 at 5:39 pm

      [QUOTE=insj106]I just posted a similar thread in the Adults section as NJ has come out saying all pre-schoolers need the flu vaccine. I got GBS 3 years ago (never had the flu vaccine), and have a relative that also had it. So I’m hesitant, would be interested to hear how you make out.

      Thanks…………… Mike[/QUOTE]

      My son is starting pre school and I will not be giving him the flu vaccine. No way am I going to risk his health.
      I am so angry that the state of NJ is demanding what I have to put in my childrens bodies.

    • Anonymous
      August 21, 2009 at 2:48 am

      Hi Carolyn

      Your last date is mid OCt 08 stating you were walking without a cane. How are you doing now? What was your treatment that worked, how long was your first (and only?) episode of GBS?

      Are you “back to normal” now?
