Has any one filed…

    • Anonymous
      October 3, 2007 at 8:32 am

      for the Injucy compensation program for the flu vaccine?

    • Anonymous
      October 12, 2007 at 12:06 pm

      There were some people who filed for the flu shot, but I have lost track of them. I filed for my tetanus shot and actually won…however, no one else I knew did. All of this information was lost when someone hacked the website. There are lots of good vaccine lawyers out there. I’ll try to check back and see if you have any questions. It has been a long time since I checked the discussion forum so I am a bit out of the loop.

      Take care,

    • Anonymous
      February 13, 2008 at 2:26 pm

      Just filed this month based on TDAP vaccine. Hoping for a win since I was very careful to get all the complete documentation from the ER, the Intensive Care Unit and Kessler Center for Rahabilitation as well as the records of the vaccine at the Promary care Dr. Wish me luck!


    • Anonymous
      February 13, 2008 at 2:49 pm


      Good luck! Document, document, document! Keep a journal and chart your symptoms. And, most of all, don’t get discouraged when the government tries to make you look like a crook or a fool. It is their way of trying to get rid of you. They want people to give up. This is a huge undertaking, but I have faith that you can persevere.

      Take care, 😉

    • Anonymous
      February 29, 2008 at 3:35 pm


      Good luck! Document, document, document! Keep a journal and chart your symptoms. And, most of all, don’t get discouraged when the government tries to make you look like a crook or a fool. It is their way of trying to get rid of you. They want people to give up. This is a huge undertaking, but I have faith that you can persevere.

      Take care, ;)[/QUOTE]


      I have all of the ER, and Intensive Care records and Primary Dr records including the Lot# and tDAP shot record. But does one of his numerous Dr’s have to actually link the GBS beyond the shadow of a doubt to the vaccination?? Even though the tDAP is on the table of vaccines, with the reaction in the time indicated, does he need a Dr. to actually declare it to be triggered by it? Just wondered if I need to press the Neurologist for a statement.

      Thanks, Dean

    • Anonymous
      March 1, 2008 at 3:29 pm

      Dean, 😮

      Press your neurologist!! You need all the backup and professional verification possible to file a claim. If it goes to [B]trial[/B], the government’s attorneys and neurologist will say that your physicians don’t know what they are talking about and actually put them on trial. It is a harsh system, but if you are going to fight you must have all the ammo possible. No matter what is right and true, or what list the vaccine is on, they will say a reaction did not occur. The Federal Vaccine courts have judges who only preside over vaccine cases…some believe in vaccine reactions and others do not. The NHHS (National Human Health & Safety) oversees the lawsuit and they have a team ready to prove you wrong. The Program is supposed to help people, but it makes them grovel when they are at their lowest. Don’t be naive and think that the government will protect you…wait until they ask for 10-20 years of medical records, tax records, etc., etc. Unbelievable what they expect.

      Do I sound bitter? :confused: Just a little for what they put me through. Hang in there and good luck.

    • Anonymous
      March 27, 2008 at 9:50 am

      I received dissapointing new from Fred’s Neurologist. He will not write a letter for us stating that he believes the TDAP vaccine triggered Fred’s GBS. He claims that since he is not a scientist and there is no proven connections between the two, he cannot justify it one way or another. Do you have any advice for us? I am at a dead end here. The Vaccine Compensation Board has communicated that since the TDAP is on the table of Vaccines, but that it does not list GBS as one of the problems being cause, then I would need soem kind of documentation proving this. I am at my wits end with this and Fred is at his lowest point now.
      Also on another topic, he is still experiencing such bad pain in his feet. Its been 3 months, and he is walking and doing very well. His therapists are very pleased with him. But do you have any idea how long he will have this neuropathic pain he complains of? He says he feels like he is walking on rocks and broken glass. Just hoped you could shed some light on this….hard to find primary care physicians with much experience with this disease.
      Thanks for all your kinda words, Dean 🙂

    • Anonymous
      March 27, 2008 at 12:05 pm

      Dean, 🙁

      I had to [B]fire[/B] my first set of physicians–both the group that administered the shot and my neurologist. They were insulting and didn’t believe in vaccine reactions. It took me six months, but I found a neurologist in Los Angeles who believed me and became my witness during the trial.

      Do you have an attorney? It is very important to have someone on your side who is knowledgeable about the vaccine courts. You are playing in the major leagues when you file a case…this is not simply applying for a government program. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has links to vaccine attorneys. Since it is Federal, the attorney can be from any state.

      The pain in his feet could go away or diminish, or it may continue. There is no way someone can tell how Fred will continue to react. We are all individuals and with GBS, each case is different. The only thing I would avoid is pain medications since they are dangerous. I took Neurontin for over a year until it made me goofy.

      Hang in there…:)

    • Anonymous
      March 31, 2008 at 3:32 pm


      Thanks again as usual for the advice. I went to the NVIC and I hope found what I think is a good attorney. He has talked with him and they think they have a good case. So wish us luckl! 🙂

    • Anonymous
      April 22, 2008 at 8:22 am

      My CIDP (which is NOT responding,after 3 months ov IvIg) came on after a teninus booster!

      None of my Docs will make the connection, further, my Primary Care Phys Says he “doesn’t have record of all the shots I’ve been given!” (though he referred me?)
      I spoke w a Vaccine Atty, who asked me to get all the records together, then I hit their stonewall. I’m not a “sue happy” guy, but, if SSDI doesn’t come through, I’m pretty well screwed? Anybody have any suggestions?


    • Anonymous
      July 18, 2010 at 12:12 am

      [QUOTE=Gemcutter]for the Injucy compensation program for the flu vaccine?[/QUOTE]

      It has been many years now but I have won. If you have any questions please contact me in private and I will try to answer any questions you have.

    • Anonymous
      October 3, 2010 at 8:37 pm

      To everyone,

      Please see my post regarding getting GBS, etc added to the list of tabled illness regarding the Vaccine Compensation Fund for more information.

      Just a comment about documentation: You do not need a doctor to write a letter stating that your disorder was caused by a vaccine. The vaccine court bases the claim on a time frame for when any symptoms started from the date the vaccine was received. Not the diagnosis but the start of the symptoms. In most cases it is 6-8 weeks but it depends on the disorder. It is easy to fill out a HIPPA form and have records sent to you. You may have to pay a copying fee, which can be substantial if the record is extensive. If you fill out a form for the attorney to get the records, there is no cost to you and the attorney can send the records to you on a cd.

      It is free to consult an attorney and you will not have to pay any attorney costs, ever. If you do then find another attorney. There are credible firms on the internet.

      Your best weapon is complete medical records and a written account by anyone involved detailing what they remember, have seen, etc. regarding the person who fell ill. If the patient can write, they should write an account as well.

      Again, please see my post. If we don’t get these diseases added to the list of tabled illnesses, we have no chance of ever getting compensation. We need to educate the government and medical community about the prevalence of vaccine related neurological disorder and demand to be compensated. If the federal government has chosen to give drug companies immunity from lawsuit, then the federal government has a right to compensate those who have had their lives destroyed.

    • Anonymous
      October 27, 2010 at 2:18 pm

      😡 hello – we are new to this forum and this is my first note. my boyfriend of 22 yrs recevied a flu shot in Oct 2008, he got pneumonia so bad, he was hospitalized for sepsis by the end of December 2008. He was also awaiting a cartoird artery surgery (to clean out the gunk) scheduled for end of Jan 2010. So as we had enougt worries, he notices numbness and pain in his feet, mainly right one. He thought it was from his surgery, but it was not. From there on within 6 months (after back surgery for pinched nerves) he had foot drop which requires a braces and will not ever be 100% again. Major damage to his nerves as CIDP does, after @ 1 yr he was diagnosed. That loss of a year caused his permanent damage!!!

      I stumbled apon the laywer/government site to help people like us. We spoke with then and they told us that they would not handle the case and to find someone else, time sensative case. What a bunch of bull****.

      Gamex IVIG was making him terribly sick so he went on steriods, not much success. We are going back to Gamex IVIG , taking precautionary benadryl prior to treatment to see if we can stop the sickness to see any results. What a depression disease.. We told our doctor he tripped, and she matter of factly looked as us and told us maybe we should get a walker. WRONG answer.

      QUOTE=gbs-mf-stroke]To everyone,

      Please see my post regarding getting GBS, etc added to the list of tabled illness regarding the Vaccine Compensation Fund for more information.

      Just a comment about documentation: You do not need a doctor to write a letter stating that your disorder was caused by a vaccine. The vaccine court bases the claim on a time frame for when any symptoms started from the date the vaccine was received. Not the diagnosis but the start of the symptoms. In most cases it is 6-8 weeks but it depends on the disorder. It is easy to fill out a HIPPA form and have records sent to you. You may have to pay a copying fee, which can be substantial if the record is extensive. If you fill out a form for the attorney to get the records, there is no cost to you and the attorney can send the records to you on a cd.

      It is free to consult an attorney and you will not have to pay any attorney costs, ever. If you do then find another attorney. There are credible firms on the internet.

      Your best weapon is complete medical records and a written account by anyone involved detailing what they remember, have seen, etc. regarding the person who fell ill. If the patient can write, they should write an account as well.

      Again, please see my post. If we don’t get these diseases added to the list of tabled illnesses, we have no chance of ever getting compensation. We need to educate the government and medical community about the prevalence of vaccine related neurological disorder and demand to be compensated. If the federal government has chosen to give drug companies immunity from lawsuit, then the federal government has a right to compensate those who have had their lives destroyed.[/QUOTE]

    • Anonymous
      December 22, 2011 at 8:38 am

      Has anyone Received compensation from the VICP program? How long did the process take? Was the reward significant?

    • Anonymous
      December 22, 2011 at 11:33 am


      I applied and won my case of a reaction due to a tetanus shot. It was a long and difficult project–and the compensation was about one fourth of what I would have received in a real court. It has helped me survive. My shot was in 2000 and it took several years to complete.

      You can go to: [url]http://www.whale.to/a/tet2.html[/url]

      My story is posted and you can read all the details.

      Good luck to you and I hope you recover. My attorney is no longer practicing, but the National Vaccine Information Center has a list. They deal primarily with autism and childhood reactions, but they may have someone near you that could help.

    • Anonymous
      December 22, 2011 at 10:50 pm


      I applied and won my case of a reaction due to a tetanus shot. It was a long and difficult project–and the compensation was about one fourth of what I would have received in a real court. It has helped me survive. My shot was in 2000 and it took several years to complete.

      You can go to: [url]http://www.whale.to/a/tet2.html[/url]

      My story is posted and you can read all the details.

      Good luck to you and I hope you recover. My attorney is no longer practicing, but the National Vaccine Information Center has a list. They deal primarily with autism and childhood reactions, but they may have someone near you that could help.[/QUOTE]

      I read your story and all I can say is wow. You must be incredible strong to endure everything you did. Hope things are going well for you. I have been a registered nurse for 27 yrs and I am embarrassed by the way you were treated by the medical professionals you encountered.

    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2011 at 4:28 pm


      Thank you for the kind words. Sometime it pays to be stubborn. One thing to remember is that some people will not believe you and treat you as if you just want to use the system. Rise above it all and persevere — everything will work out just fine. Happy holidays.

    • Anonymous
      December 5, 2012 at 4:36 pm

      Hi there!

      I filed for compensation for my CIDP resulting from the flu shot.  The government settled out-of-court because my case was strong based on the time frame from when I received the flu shot to when my symptoms appeared.  Fortunately, I was able to get a copy of my flu shot record from the clinic where I received it.  That document is very important.  Without that proof, I don’t think any lawyer would even entertain me.

      I first contacted my lawyer in September 2008 – it took 4 years despite the out-of-court settlement.  My lawyer said that I could get more if we go to court but I told her that I am worn out.  It will probably take another 2 years if we go to court.  I’m not even sure where I’d be by then since my CIDP is worsening.  The court issued a decision in September to pay me the amount that we agreed upon.  I thought that I would get the check by November but todate I’m still waiting.  It’s frustrating because I made commitments to pay some bills based on that expectation.  Lesson learned:  the government is never in a hurry to pay.

      Best of luck.





    • Anonymous
      December 20, 2012 at 4:09 pm

      I was told by my lawyer once the settlement is agreed upon it can possible take as long as 6 months before receiving a check.  I hope you will receive yours in much lesser time.

    • Anonymous
      February 8, 2013 at 11:42 am

      For those filing for compinsation after a Tdap vacine….there is a case the according to the documents that GBS was not the result of the vacine.  That is the information coming from my lawyer. He is sending me a copy of the case.

      I have filed, the lawyer said I have a good case. Yes the documents needed to verify for the government is unrelentless.  The first offer from the government was a laugh and an insult.  I met the standards that were published by the Vacine Comp division. Still they treat you like a underserving person.

      I am on SSI and SSDI..the money I get each month does not equal even one paycheck I recieved before.  I had to cash in my 401K, lost my apt and had to move in with a friend.  I can not enjoy the hobbies I had before. It take me such a long time to even do the simplist  things like wash dishes. I have to sit down and rest. I am lucky in the fact that I have a Disability Parking Permit.  I would give it up to park in the farthest parking spot and walk into my former job. Doing retail, helping customers, cleaning copy machines, ect.

      So I wait. Tired and disapointed at the way I feel…and still havent come to terms of the loss (loosing my job and former life).

    • Anonymous
      April 20, 2013 at 9:46 pm

      I recently inquired a law firm and they took my case pretty quickly. They are in the process right now of collecting medical records from all the various places. I’m still awaiting a confirmed diagnosis, but they suspect it is transverse myelitis. I had a reaction 2 years in a row from the flu shot. In 2011, the noticable symptoms lasted only about three weeks. Yet, the 2012 reaction has lasted over 6 months now and is ongoing.  I have a team of neurologist from the Vaccination Healthcare Center at Walter-reed working on getting the diagnosis, they are just waiting on so MRI’s to arrive there. The law firm told me that a lot of times the Dept of Health and Human Services will fight the case but in my case they will probably concede and go straight to damages. They have already won a case of TM caused by the flu that was awarded 350k  which should help my case too. We were deferred from another law firm when we first started looking. The law firm we are going with now was only the 4th one we inquired. We tried some local firms but they all said they didn’t handle those kind of cases. Go to the VICP website or just google vaccine injury lawyer. Keep looking and somebody will take your case.

    • Anonymous
      April 21, 2013 at 3:41 am

      My case was “fast tracked” as the gov conceded we had a great case and went straight to damage negotiations.  I am 53 yr old male with among other many issues suffer balance, difficulty walking unaided and right arm damage.  I received SSDI on first attempt.  We settled with the gov in feb.  They have 15 weeks to write the contract.  My lawyer states not to expect a check before thanksgiving.  Thats right, they send a check, not a wire transfer of this large amt of cash into my account.   My wife and I feel blessed to receive this large compensation.  Many GBS-CIPD and other develop these autoimmune illnesses from many different causes and receive absolutely nothing, most times even getting a hard time even getting SSDI.

    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2013 at 1:43 pm


      I’ll be interested in hearing when you actually receive your check.

      I got GBS as a result of a tetanus shot when I was 57 years old and due to its severity was forced to retire early.  I am working with an attorney and have also filed a claim, however it is dragging on and on.  As many have already stated, the fund overseers question everything.  The amount of documentation we are required to submit along with past W2 filings is unbelievable.    The guidance of an attorney who specializes in this process is truly critical for success.    I filed more than one and a half years ago and am still waiting.


    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2013 at 4:32 pm

      My case was “fast tracked” as the gov conceded we had a great case and went straight to damage negotiations.  I am 18 months into GBS.  Filed over 1 yr ago.  We reached an agreement in Feb.  They have to late May to write the contract and get all the needed signatures.  My lawyer says not to expect a check before Thanksgiving.  And get this, they send a chech as they are unable to do a electronic transfer of the money into my account.  I also had to send 6 yrs of income tax fillings and they used all my deductions in figuring award amt.  They also argued I would retire at age 63 even though I can’t receive social security until 67.  We also argued when I am at age 63 my youngest son would just be starting college.  Its all a pain but afterwards all worth it.

    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2013 at 4:33 pm

      ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,My case was “fast tracked” as the gov conceded we had a great case and went straight to damage negotiations.  I am 18 months into GBS.  Filed over 1 yr ago.  We reached an agreement in Feb.  They have to late May to write the contract and get all the needed signatures.  My lawyer says not to expect a check before Thanksgiving.  And get this, they send a chech as they are unable to do a electronic transfer of the money into my account.  I also had to send 6 yrs of income tax fillings and they used all my deductions in figuring award amt.  They also argued I would retire at age 63 even though I can’t receive social security until 67.  We also argued when I am at age 63 my youngest son would just be starting college.  Its all a pain but afterwards all worth it.