Good days and bad days during recovery

    • March 16, 2018 at 1:32 am

      Hi everyone,
      I really need some insight if anyone has experienced days in recovery that feels like they are getting much worse than getting better.
      I was diagnosed in December last year. Was on Ivig for a week then sent home. Been going for PT sessions once or twice a week but for some reason this week feels like I have taken so many steps backward in my recovery. I’m normally able to lift myself from a chair using my arms but this week, it’s not possible on my own. Please help me understand if this is normal.

    • GH
      March 16, 2018 at 9:54 am

      It’s normal to become exhausted easily, so one must be careful to avoid overwork while still getting regular e ercise. There should not be persistant loss of strength.

      Do you have small weights which you could use to exercise your arms? I was using three pound weights early in my recovery for daily arm exercises.
