Emily had an eye dr appointment last week
AnonymousAugust 17, 2008 at 6:41 pm
Just wanted to update you all.
Emily saw her pediatric opthamologist on Thursday for a check up. The last time she saw him was about 7-8 months ago. At that appointment he said her eyes were about 95% & he didn’t think they’d get any better than that. He’s been saying that her eyes weren’t going to get any better for about 1 year now but then at the next appointment he says that they have indeed gotten better.
After the last appointment I wasn’t really expecting too much improvement though. I honestly thought this time we were at the best it was ever going to get.
Well….(are ya ready for this?)
Emily’s eyes are 100%. There is NO sign of past problems. No sign there was ever any inflammation, nerve damage or muscle damage. No problems what so ever!
The dr is AMAZED. He said he never thought it would be possible for her to be this good.
She doesn’t have to go back to him again for 1 year!
I hope this reminds people to never give up home & to fight for your treatments. Fight for what you know your (or your child’s) body needs. I went through heck & back with Emily for over a year & she was probably the hardest patient to treat for her dr’s. She relapsed every 2-3 days at one point while getting IVIG. No one ever thought it would be possible for her to 100% again.
On New Years Eve I told Emily that 2008 would be the year that we kicked CIDP’s butt. And so far it’s lookin’ pretty good for us!
Kelly (a real happy camper!)
AnonymousAugust 17, 2008 at 6:47 pm
Hi Kelly! That is wonderful news about your daughter and I pray she continues to get well again and pray she never see’s CIDP ever again! I know this news was something you have prayed for and it looks like the prayers have been answered.
I hope that she never relaspes ever again and pulls through all this. Hard seeing a child sick and even harder being the parent having to watch them suffer. I know this has not been easy! I wish you my best! -
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 6:46 pm
It was really good to hear that there’s no sign that anything was ever wrong. It seems, for the last year, at every eye dr’s appointment he kept saying she was better than the last time & he didn’t think it she’d improve any more. Then she would improve & he’d be surprised. I would be so excited after the appointments that it was like having Christmas morning every 3-4 months, LOL.
It’s just great to finally see that light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
Kelly (enjoying myself on my relaxed hiatus)
PS, Emily starts 2nd grade in two weeks. I cannot believe it! And she’s going to be 7 in 3 weeks! I’ll have to post pics of her friend b-day party (she gets 2 parties every year – 1 for family & the other for friends…NO she’s not spoiled!). This year’s theme is “Rock N Roll Dance Party”. It should be fun!
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