electric muscle stimulation?
AnonymousAugust 28, 2011 at 10:40 am
It is true that there are physical therapists (and others) who are in the business of selling all kinds of devices (and will happily sell it to you), including one that straps over your peroneal nerve.
This type is often touted as the solution for foot drop. However, it is probably not useful for a true CIDP patient.
Why? With CIDP you have probably lost the outer layer that protects your nerve. As that layer deteriorates, and the muscle axons deteriorate, the end result is that there is no, or very little, ‘path’ for an electric stimulation to follow.
If you cannot solve the problem of muscle and nerve deterioration, sooner or later you experience muscle atrophy. The muscle has atrophied, not because your body cannot produce an electrical signal, rather the muscle atrophies because the electrical signal cannot get through to the muscle fibers, regardless of the source.
At Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mn they not only stated they could not recommend these devices, they advised against them. Why? In my words- yes, you may initially get some response. Unfortunately, as the nerve and muscle continues to decline, the amount of “current’ required to obtain a result goes up and up. As the applied stimulation level goes up ‘you’ end up burning the skin under the electrode.
Ultimately, if you don’t solve the original problem, you’ve wasted the money to buy the unit, or pay the therapists, and caused untold pain to your limb where you’ve applied the stimulation.
Regarding the FDA ‘Warning’, I note the following from that link:
“[I]…When labeled for Rx use by a licensed practitioner, the following uses are generally recognized as acceptable:
1. Relaxation of muscle spasm.
2. Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy.
3. Muscle reeducation. …[/I]”
So, let’s don’t throw out in the bathwater labeled use by a licensed practitioner who is using an approved device.
I agree that you will not likely get a doctor to prescribe this treatment.
But, maybe you gotta try.
AnonymousAugust 28, 2011 at 12:29 pm
When I was in ICU getting my first round of IvIg at Shand’s a teaching hospital, they spoke about doing this and then the head guy over the team said he advised against it. They didn’t give me reason for/why, but it wasn’t done. I just heard them speaking about it. I had a team of like 5 students, one chief resident and then one big wig that over saw the group. They were tossing ideas a lot back and forth.
We didn’t do it, I’m glad now reading and seeing all this.
AnonymousSeptember 5, 2011 at 2:43 am
i understand if there is no path to muscle ems wont work. i feel after almost a year of onset the degeneration has arrested and i can begin recovery.
i have full hot/cold sensation,
no/little reflex outside core,
foot/wrist drop,
no flexor/extendor in feet/ankles,
bad extendors in knees/wrists/hands but good flexors (cant move thumb, little index movement, other fingers weakened and curling)
bad bicepts,
great tricepts/shoulders/core,
and dulled touch sensation hands/feet.cidp symptoms started when gf got preggo (boy, oct22) gotta get home soon! tryinn anything! already cant b there 4 her pregnancy! 🙁
anyway, the muscles i need for independance (walk with braces/walker and use hands/arms) are active. they activate, just atrophied. ivig made me worse (always got rigors then lost a muscle function soon after) then did 9 plasmapheresis treatments and am on prednisone 60mg/d. i do feel stronger after my treatments at U of M and week at mary free bed so far.
i believe cause i can feel the muscles when trying to move, ems assistance will help when used in conjunction with range exercise for muscle retraining and slight strengthening, giving a slight extra push at least.
it has been ordered to try after discussing with neuro and therapist next week. im anxious 2 see 🙂 not relying on it tho. ill post progress if any.
AnonymousSeptember 7, 2011 at 11:53 am
I have just completed a research project which used “W-Wave” electronic stimulation to evaluate its effect on calf muscle strength. This particular device is used by many high profile athletes to speed recovery from injury. The theory is that the device improves blood flow.
I used the device twice a week after working out at the YMCA. One electrode under the arch and one electrode behind the knee. It is a very user friendly device.
The results of my retest were very confusing to the Director of the study.
No change in calf diameter.
No (Or very little) improvement in strength. (Maximum weight lifted. In my case 55#)
Significant improvement in endurance. (Repetitions with 90% of maximum weight.) I improved from 7 reps to 27 reps with the 50# weight.
The director says that strength and endurance usually track fairly linearly, thereby the confusion. I think it probably means that the muscles I have got stronger but that I had not stimulated any new atrophied muscles.
There is no way to tell what caused the improvement in my endurance: My exercise program, continued improvement from the cyclpsporine I am taking, the W-Wave?
The results from the 30 people in the study are not yet analysed.
i go for accupuncture monthly and the person doing it attaches the electrical nerve stimulating device to the needles along the nerve pathways. It feels good and is a very relaxing hour.
My neurologist is aware that i do this and has never mentioned that i shouldnt do it. After having it done, i get lots of twitching,in the affected nerves, not painful at all. I feel very energized after having it done.
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