Dry Cough
AnonymousJune 6, 2008 at 9:26 pm
Hi everyone. I’m new to all of this. I’ve been reading alot of posts. My hubby was dx w/ GBS-MFS last June. We thought he had recovered for the most part, but had two seperate episodes ( one in Dec and one now)that were possible residuals or relapses. Some one had posted that they had a dry cough before symptoms began. Is this normal? My husband has had the coughand has been sneezing alot, along with numbness and tingling. He just assumed it was allergies or a cold. Will allergies or a cold trigger a relapse? We are still learning about this disease. There really isn’t much info about residuals. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.thanks, Michelle
AnonymousJune 16, 2008 at 3:05 pm
Hello Michelle – I am sorry to be so long in welcoming you, but have been away a couple of weeks. You might want to try the main forum or adult forum for more input. My GBS-MFv was triggered by a sore throat both times but a dry cough is something I have no experience with. There was a thread about residuals once. They are many and varied. A simple cold can make you feel like the symptoms are recurring, then ease off along with the cold as it gets better. It is just a part of the overall weakness we have to deal with. Spend time going back thru all the threads on the main and adult forums and you will find many more answers then I can possibly give. Good luck.
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