Disappearing Posts

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 1:06 pm

      Whats the deal with the disapppearing posts? Yesterday I did half a dozen posts and today they are all gone. I had even refreshed one of them to make sure that the post took as it it prompted me for a password between writing it and actually posting. After doing all my posts yesterday I had seen them in my user CP as well so I know they were there at one point anyways.

      Also, I had seen another user post in a thread somewhere about how they received an email notification of a post but when they went to respond the post was not there so looks like its not just me.

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 1:37 pm

      The reason for your missing posts is because we were doing some updating. We did not think this would affect any posting but it does seem that a few disappeared. Sorry for the inconvenience but everything is back to normal now. Thank You


    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 1:52 pm

      Thanks for the the update we appreciate that. 🙂

      Any chance that the front page of the forum won’t look like a frozen picture?

      Thanks for your time


    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 2:00 pm

      Thanks for the reply, I feel better knowing that there was a reason for the disappearing posts and that it isnt something I should be worried about on an ongoing basis 🙂