Did Anyone Develop cidp after cancer treatment with immunotherapy (BCG)

    • July 17, 2021 at 10:59 pm

      Hi, I was just diagnosed with cidp after being misdiagnosed for a number of years.  However, the cidp developed shortly after I was treated with immunotherapy for cancer, specifically intravesical BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin).  Has anyone been treated with intravesical BCG for bladder cancer and later developed cidp?  I was also treated with chemotherapy but to my knowledge, it has not been associated with neuropathy (intravesical mitomycin-C).  I don’t know if BCG and cidp are related but I do have my suspicions.  I would be interested to hear if anyone had a similar situation.  I have no underlying health problems, do not drink, have never smoked, and am not overweight.  In short, other than being a cancer survivor (4 times), I am healthy.


