BIG little improvements for me
Awesome, Liz!!
ARe you still off treatments? I know before the boards went down, the doc thought you were in remission and you were doing the physical therapy. How is all that going? -
AnonymousMay 30, 2006 at 5:38 am
Hi Mary,
So good to see you here. I have been off ALL medications for 2 1/2 yrs. now and have shown no signs of relapse. I was going to physical therapy for awhile and I went to a gym also, but not doing either right now. I want to try pool therapy if I can work out transportation. Improvements and strength are coming like a snail crawling, but they do come and I keep them. -
AnonymousJune 24, 2006 at 5:41 am
Dear Liz!
I’m so happy for you, it brings tears to my eyes!Maybe I just missed this, but are you on some new medication, or what? I’m really courious to know what brought on this faboulously promising incidents with your hands in May, and now your legs! I can’t wait to know about your next “leap forward”!
All the very best from
AnonymousJuly 3, 2006 at 6:13 pm
WOW, another one of my hobbies (my contentment in life), is coming back. I’m painting again! It’s only a paint-by-number set, but my right hand is doing it. I don’t know how it will turn out (I may hang it in the closet), but I don’t care because I’m enjoying it. Yesterday, I was watching my hand when I was painting and the tremors weren’t so bad. About two months ago, I was looking at my hands and the left one shakes, but the right one was steadier. I was concerned about this because my right hand was weaker and had more severe tremors, so my thoughts were the left one is now like the right. Back to the painting, YESTERDAY WHILE WATCHING THE RIGHT HAND PAINT, IT DAWNED ON ME THAT MY LEFT HAND DIDN’T GET WORSE, THE RIGHT HAND GOT “BETTER”, not normal yet, but better.
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