Anyone suffer with Hot Flashes????
Have been diagnosed with CIDP 5 years, almost all of that time been suffering with Hot Flashes, first quite irregular. But the last year almost hourly night and day, does anyone else have this weird symptom? My CIDP is mainly Sensory.
A lot more information required Molly. As theresatt said, age.
Plus sex, diag, (neurologist or GP), tests, medication and/or treatment. What are the main sensory nerves effected?
My own case is mainly autonomic which affects most of the functions that the occur automatically within the body. Sensory on the other hand are the nerves that sense or feel what is going on and send corrective signals to the brain. Sensory typically starts at the peripheral nerves (eg feet), giving incorrect signals to the brain causing poor balance and sometimes what is called “foot drop”.
This is simplified only because it is a extremely complex subject that very few GP’s know anything about.
Regards Tim -
Oops, didn’t even look.
Molly, if you give more details in the GBS/CIDP topic you may get a better response. -
Yes, my son since August 5-2015 when he was diagnosed with GBS is extremely hot to the point he had to request a fan at the hospital and still does not go away. I have to wear a sweater all the time.
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