Anyone Get Itchy?
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 10:13 am
Lately, I have been really itchy, especially my hands but also other areas. There is no rash and although I have dry skin, it does not appear to be that. I could scratch the skin right off my hands. Have any of you with GBS residuals experienced this? In the past, I have had an itchy scalp, gone to the dr. and he could find nothing wrong. Just curious if this has happened to any of you.
Appreciate the input. Thanks guys.
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 10:25 am
When it happened to me, I had a rash and it turned out to be a fungus! 😮 They gave me an antifungal cream and it worked…. I got it 2 separate times once on my back and the other on my chest….Of course my kids teased me that there was a “fungus amongst us!” Could yours be an extension of the shingles?
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 10:48 am
I suppose that is a possibility, Jan.(shingles related). I am thinking not though as when I look back I have had this before…i.e. the scalp issue. But worth checking into. To be honest, I question the shingles diagnosis as I never did get any sores. The dr. thinks we caught it early enough, but who knows. I wonder too if it(shingles) is GBS residual related. At this point I have trouble separating anything from the residuals and perhaps that is the wrong attitude. Not everything that ever happens to me would be GBS related, right?
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 11:24 am
I get itchy skin too with no rash or dryness! Just out of the blue will suddenly get itchy! Many people with auto-immune disorders get this from time to time. A doctor once told me that people with auto-immune disorders can release to many hystimines in their body sometimes causing the itching. It’s an allergy to your own body. Shingles is not only a part of GBS but people with Lupus get Shingles. I think it has something to do with us having auto-immune disorder which makes us more likely to catch it easier. Shingles though itches to a degree but is more painful to the nerves than anything else.
I too have told my doctor about the itching skin. I take benydrl for mine when it starts and that now helps. It’s weird how the itching starts too! It’s like you developed the instant hive and start digging! Hope it goes away soon for ya! Been there! Keep benedryl in my house now! -
AnonymousAugust 29, 2008 at 1:44 pm
Nate had a lot of itching early on in his illness but most of it gradually left. The docs said it was part of the nerves sending mixed signals.
I notice that he still has some in his legs though, and they have permanent nerve damage.
Trudy, Natesmom
Nate, GBS diagnosed Jan 6, 06
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