Accupuncture For Nerve Damage
AnonymousMarch 5, 2008 at 11:07 pm
Has anybody ever used accupunture for reviving nerve damage? I’ve come along way since 4/2005.
My arms have semi nerve damage. The insurance company will not cover the cost because it is not a emergency medical issue. I double checked the price on one session and it ranges around $60.00.
Need confirmation.
Thank you,
AnonymousMarch 6, 2008 at 11:25 am
[FONT=”Comic Sans MS”][SIZE=”2″]Hi Udaman,
I did a little search and came across an article on Medscape regarding managing neuropathic pain and it’s a really long article with just a short mention of Alternative or Holistic treatments by Chas. Argoff, MD;Nonpharmacologic Options
There are certainly many nonmedical options. This presentation is not long enough to go through each of these in enough detail, but never discount the use of biofeedback or relaxation therapy. Certainly physical and occupational therapies are key in providing people with the ability to improve from a functional point of view. Cognitive/behavioral strategies, of which biofeedback and relaxation therapy may be considered a type, but also including meditation and guided imagery can all be incorporated. It’s in some ways up to us to utilize these and incorporate them early on.
As an aside, it’s been my experience that sometimes these nonmedical approaches are only utilized when patients have failed interventional or other medical strategies. That’s probably, in my opinion and I think others, not the best way of incorporating these type of strategies into our treatment.
Acupuncture and the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are other options. Certainly acupuncture is well established as a treatment of pain. However studies linking regular treatment with acupuncture with long-lasting pain relief in chronic neuropathic pain are lacking. Unfortunately acupuncture, while helpful, is only likely to provide a person with temporary relief. I’m not saying it’s not helpful, but the treatment limitations need to be considered as well.
The use of TENS units can also be utilized using the patient’s own nervous system to facilitate release of endorphins that are natural, opiate-type substances which reducepain . These units also help to facilitate nonpainful nerve stimulation, which is experienced by the individual in place of the painful input.
Now, although we generally try to utilize the least invasive to most invasive approach to pain management, there are times when using an interventional approach first or concurrent with medical therapy would be appropriate.For example, when someone presents with such severe pain in the setting of acute herpetic neuralgia, acute shingles, that isn’t responding to initial oral or transdermal or topical attempts of treatment, it may be appropriate to perform nerve blocks and other interventional approaches early on to prevent or reduce the risk of developing long-termpain. That’s an important point.
It’s not much, but if you search the forums for acupuncture, you’ll find several threads in which it’s discussed, hope this is helpful,
Best wishes
AnonymousMarch 7, 2008 at 9:24 pm
I have always believed in complimentary medicine. The more you can do for yourself “naturally” the better. I have been using acupuncture for 2 years now and what a difference it has made for me! Remember, each of our bodies is different and we must find what works for us. Also, I have been forced to look at other therapies, as my health insurance was canceled. I now believe that it may have been to my benefit! Sure, it’s still scary to be without insurance but so far there is no alternative and I am improving, albeit slowly. Oh yea, that’s what Gene always says ~ GBS ~ getting better slowly ๐
AnonymousMarch 7, 2008 at 10:30 pm
I have been getting accupuncture treatments for almost 5 months now, 3 times a week.
I was diagnosed with MFS in late September, and when I returned home from the hospital, was referred to a physical therapist (who was also an accupuncturist) for electronic stimulation and laser therapy. The combined treatments have helped me greatly.
I’m not qualified to know if accunpuncture actually revives nerve damage. However, it does help to boost the immune system, which is key to your body working to heal itself. As my accunpuncturist has told me, the body’s natural tendency is to heal.
I had really bad headaches early on in with MFS. After about a week of accupuncture they went away. And I also had the exhaustion I see everyone writing about. But that, too, went away.
I recognize that GBS is not a one-size fits all. But my experience with accupuncture has been very positive – for what it’s worth.
AnonymousMarch 7, 2008 at 11:08 pm
Thank you to all who have responded. It will take another three years for me to start travelling again. GBS has drained me financially in the bank account department since 2005. Want to make sure to have enough money to celebrate my 50th birthday and 25th Wedding Aniversary. The trip is to Japan. Will see what happens to my arm strength as I progress daily w/PT, etc. Crossing my fingers for no setbacks during the journey.
Peace <<+>>,
AnonymousMarch 12, 2008 at 3:46 pm
I have P/T that comes to the house and she has taken classes on electric acupunture, which is covered under the umberalla of Home Health.
She started this on me last week when she came for her second visit.
I’ve not notice a difference, but if there is a chance it will work will let her continue
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