About Doc David.
AnonymousMay 22, 2006 at 12:41 pm
I e-mailed Doc David’s daughter Jane and had this reply this morning.
“Hi Ken
Many thanks for your note – he is still in hospital and is making steady progress. I’m not sure whether you know, but Dad is in renal failure as well as having CIDP. It is the renal failure that is keeping him in hospital as his blood count is very low. Dad is having regular transfusions to top up and they wont let him out until the blood count rises. I will post a note onto the Forum regarding his progress as many people have been in touch enquiring after his progress.
By all means keep in touch – Dad find these email wishes very uplifting!
Best wishes Jane.” Jane means the UK forum for her note.
Jane’s e-mail address is jbodley-scott at premierit dot com. I trust that you can all decode that! If you mail please indicate where you are mailing from so that David knows how much he has been appreciated world wide.:)
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