You are ‘getting it’ now!

October 11, 2009 at 4:26 pm

There are good docs out there….hiding under rocks, at times I believe. And there are bad docs, and, some borderline ‘quacks’. I’ve experienced the whole spectrum and it’s up to you to engage someone you ‘feel’ mite work to get on your case and also be an advocate. Tho far easier said than done? It can and does happen.
At this point, to a degree? You are allowed to act or over-react to things. It comes with the territory. Recognizing and learning about how to handle the stress and stressors that come with this stuff can help immensely. It’s because this CIDP stuff can be totally overwhelming at first, and even as it continues.
Understanding CIDP first is a key, not the why’ of it happening? But more of the HOW’s of it affecting you. It helps your mind over-ride some of the body’s constant ‘red alerts!’ about not being happy with the situation. At least, it’s worked and helped for me. Not to say the whole panic and fear thing isn’t there? It’s just mostly on the back burner, so to speak. But that’s been after seeing many docs, getting diagnosed and now treated. Only two set-backs so far, and I consider myself fortunate!
Lending you some of the strength you’ll need to get thru this! Along w/a heap of hope!