Wonderful story
It is so nice to hear some positives. I am the caregiver for my husband and sometimes I think he is expecting a permanent recovery and I worry he will be disappointed. I do have faith but it was at least 2 years before we dx it ourselves without knowing for sure if that was it: cidp.We had trouble with doctors not knowing or not taking it seriously or they just did not seem to know anything.
But again it is nice to hear this. For the first time my husband has now gone on plasmaphersis and he is no longer getting tremors in his legs which means he is not falling now. He is still fighting the balance problem and is using the cane but the falling got to the point of an every day occurance. He is sometimes troubled with sleeping and has been complaining about his feet hurting. Was this way in the beginning only. We are hoping that it means his feet are now getting better.
We shall see.