why aren’t we getting Rituxan treatments?

March 22, 2008 at 9:41 pm

Hello Allaug,
I too have been asking all my doctors about this course of treatment, since T have heard of the recoveries reported here.It is true that to get Rituxan, you go to an oncologist, or an internist for treatment. I have found a Dr. who is very interested in working with me, but because I have had so many allergic reactions to all the brands of IVIG except for one, we are waiting until that one too starts to fail, and I have no other options. The reason being, there is a 2 year wait to get on IVIG treatment here! But apparently, if you get your neurologist,g.p. and an internist to work on it, it can be done. I get my infusions done at the outpatient oncology unit at the hospital, so the cancer docs are all over… My hands are killing me, I’ve got to go, but keep me posted on your progress.
Best wishes, Jo Marie