Who is Responsible

May 1, 2011 at 6:47 pm

I was fortunate that my primary care have dealt with the disease some six months before. This was in 1984. When he examined me he immediately called the hospital and asked that a Neurologist be on standby since he was sending me by ambulance. The Neuro I had was versed in what CIDP was. I spent almost six months there. It wasn’t until O had a number of relapses that he sent me to UMDNJ to see the Neuro there who was considered so well versed in this that he was used as a professional witness. It wasn’t until I moved to Ohio that I became aware of the lack of knowledge by drs here

Who is responsible?

April 30, 2011 at 12:55 pm

Actually, it is up to the Medical profession to be responsible to inform and educate their doctors about illness. That’s what they are supposed to do, and that is why doctors are the most powerful people in the land, next to the judges and politicians, and why they are the most highly paid.

Unfortunately, most doctors know nothing or next to nothing about this condition, mainly because of false information and denial, ignorance or carelessness on their part. Why is it that they don’t make an effort to learn about this condition when they see patients suffering with it? Why? Because it would require them to go a few steps out of their comfort zone to learn something and apply it.

How many of us have discussed and shown our condition with doctors and medical staff only to be ignored, sent away or misdiagnosed? You’d think the symptoms would alert them to the fact that something is wrong, but many times these people don’t know and don’t care. Yes, we are the guinea pigs and the lab rats of the great god science, and some of them may even have an interest and a conscience to do all they can for us, but so often we are on our own. It’s a shame that in addition to coping with this terrible condition, we are also left with the responsibility of educating the doctors.
But it’s like the proverb “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” Doctors should know their job; so why don’t they?

But the truth is powerful too. And whether we declare the truth about GBS while dead, comatose, crippled and in pain, or in ongoing related-medical problems, it will continue to speak in the face of ignorance and arrogance; that’s the only hope we’ve got.