What’s New.

March 10, 2011 at 9:33 pm

I don’t get off the ‘treadmill’ until it’s time to crash, since I get up with the dog each morning at 5am. Well work is going well, I try to take lunch, but sometimes I work straight through, no rests. If I do take my lunch, I go to the gym for an hour and practise Tai Chi. I’m pretty back to my old schedule, though I hardly stay up late watching TV. So no late night TV. Other than that… I kept using my handicapped parking to the end, at work it saved me a five minutes walk. My work hours are 8:30 to 5:30. I work at a desk and don’t have to lift anything heavy. The office is big and can take 5 minutes to walk to the furthest end. I still have neuropathy in my toes and that half of my feet. The dog reminded me of that when he ran across them with his claws. It seems I like the heat turned all the way up this Winter. Its also funny how different parts of my body can “Fall Asleep” with my weakened myelin. One time I sat wrong and I went numb from my navel to my thighs. That was really weird. Not completely asleep like before diag., but mostly numb. Plus when it woke up, it didn’t hurt like before, silver lining?

Anyway, keep your sunny side up!

What’s New.

February 16, 2011 at 12:16 am

I am back to normal mobility. I run with my dog during part of his morning walk. I’m back to taking the stairs and when I walk I stride the same way I did before. The one thing I did the whole time, not just the recent health changes, but the whole time was following an exclusion diet, excluding several things like sugar, meat, dairy products, caffeine, wheat… I believe that the diet helped me recover so fast.

My remaining symptoms are tingling and numbness in my toes and the soles of my feet. My Neuro said that the longest nerve leads to the large toe and the symptoms should leave there last.

Thanks for all the support and phone calls along the way.

Take Care,
