
June 8, 2006 at 10:30 am

Welcome to the forum, glad to see you finally posting! It is nice to share our experiences with CIDP, as it is so rare. I had 17 PP & over 40 IVIG infusions during the first 8 months after my Dx, but it was IV steroids that kept me functioning (just enough to be at home.) It was actually 9 months of cytoxan infusions that finally arrested my CIDP.

What is your present contion? I walk with AFOs & take a cane when I go out alone, also have gotten about 80% of the use of my hands back. I wish I could be even better, but will settle for where I am now, compared to being stuck in a power chair for almost 3 years. We are all so different, but our losses & pain are all the same.