This referred site will not work for me. is it correct?:confused:
Elmo, I can so sympathize with you. I am in the same place. I worked really hard to get referred to Dr. Gooch at USF and he refused to take me as a patient. I was referred to another doctor in their neuro dept. and was told I could see this other doctor next Feb.:mad: I checked out the doctor and learned he is just out of school! I felt very “kicked to the curb.” I cancelled that plan and my neuro then referred me to a Dr. at the University of Miami.
I will see Dr. Sharma Thanksgiving week. I am very impressed with his credentials and research publications. I am once again hopeful. Please let this be the doctor that will take me serious.
Do not give up, keep digging and asking. Opportunity does not knock at you
door…you have to go find it!
My best to you,
Hi Julie,
I am on bipap at night to rest my respiratory muscles. There is a fabulous site for CPAP’ers at cpaptalkdotcom.They are extremely knowledgeable and very willing to help newbies. They can tell you what type of machine to ask for from your DME. The site can get very lighthearted sometimes too which is always refreshing and a good pick-me-upper! They can troubleshoot any problem.