We All Want To Be Cured.. I Just Want To Know If Its Possible?

February 2, 2010 at 1:19 pm

Hi Alice::)

I couldn’t resist posting the question; maybe cause it has been a long winter, and maybe I was bored, and knew this needed a tad bit more discussion…

Yes, I am a skeptic.. And a debater.. And a Fighter… I don’t think quitter or fingerpointer or blamer applies to me….. Not of you, or others..

I just want exactly what you say.. A safe open dialogue for people to discuss things… I don’t think anyone dismisses that you have been thru a lot.. I think many or all of us have been dealt blows.. Have we given up? No..
I don’t think debating the word “cure” should ruffle any feathers.. And at that, I will leave it..

I’ve spent the last 2 1/2 years coming back.. I ain’t quitting either…

I don’t want to pick on you… Instead, I am thankful you are a success story… I just want what’s best for you and all of us…