Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease

July 13, 2010 at 4:19 pm

This is an interesting subject. The June-July issue of I.G. Living magazine, free to subscribers, and, available online has a good article on this subject.

Haha! The catch is “free to subscribers.”

I received the print copy at home because I did subscribe following a recommendation I read on this forum.

At any rate, you may subscribe on-line here to read the online version:


I chose this to share here: According to Cantorna, PHD, …”If you don’t have other risk factors … you won’t get autoimmunity even if vitamin D is very low…”

The quote is attributed to Reference 3 in the article.

Pubmed accessed at: [url][/url]

has this too say-

…”Epidemiological evidence indicates a significant association between vitamin D deficiency and an increased incidence of several autoimmune diseases..”

Important NOTE, I have not found an association, yet, to CIDP in any article I’ve read so far.