upper body tremors and jerking

March 3, 2007 at 3:47 pm

Hey all, thanks for your feedback. I have pushed myself really hard over the last 7 days. Is it possible to have a mild form of GBS? My feet and toes are still numb, and I am doing all of my PT, plus additional in the evening. However, I had a little set back that might sound like I just took it too far. A group of neuro’s have not told me that this is all “in my head”. I had a +EMG almost two weeks ago, yet suddently that is irrelevant. And I still have these white spots which when I ask they say to me, “oh those could be nothing”. The last thing I want to do is be in this situation, just like many of you probably feel. I had a great life before any of this happened, lots to do and look forward to . Now my career has been detrailed, I am looking at having to go on disability, and so many of the great things I am looking forward to have had to be cancelled. Can anyone give me any words of encouragement, I was making progress and now I feel like I am back to zero!